Some more drawings...

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This isn't's my cousin's she's the one that actually motivated me to start drawing and to live my dream of wanting to do animation. Please don't not use this one,in some ways this is actually personal..because she's in Canada,and I never see her
anymore. The only way I see her is through old pictures and her old drawings she left behind. So if you guys would do me a favor and not use it,that would really help. So this is how I got started drawing,my cousin started it all..

Hope you all enjoyed..*wipes tears with sleeve* I know I did..taking a trip down memory lane,and please don't say anything bad about this either if not it will be the biggest mistake you'll ever make. Anyways I love you all my angels, soon you'll have your wings and fly (I'm going to put that on every story I write now)


MEH ART BOOK! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora