47 1 7

Gender Bent me! Don't judge the hands! It's Sunday and I have CBA's tomorrow! Sp00kySk3letons  and XxFlufflePuffxX  knows to! And people say I draw good but there are People who draw waaaaay better! Sp00kySk3letons  MAKE AN ART BOOK SHOW DA PEOPLE...

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Gender Bent me! Don't judge the hands! It's Sunday and I have CBA's tomorrow! Sp00kySk3letons and XxFlufflePuffxX knows to! And people say I draw good but there are People who draw waaaaay better! Sp00kySk3letons MAKE AN ART BOOK SHOW DA PEOPLE WHAT U GOTS! Go follow both of them! They are both amazing people! And they are kind! And smart! And AWESOME!

Anyways my Angels I'll see you soon! I love you all so much! You'll soon get your wings and fly!


MEH ART BOOK! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora