Chapter Ten - Music That Kills

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The music on the right was a song I listened to while I wrote this chapter. The violin part in it definitely influenced parts of the chapter. Enjoy!

"This is the best room in the entire building," Alia said opening two big grand doors.

It was probably the largest room I've ever seen. There was no words to really describe it. If anything, it was huge, cold, and stunning. The whole thing was a circle that descended down like a cone. Well a cone without a pointy center. At the flattened part was chairs formed in a crescent. In front of the chairs were these long things with a rectangle on them.

"What are those things in front of the chairs?" I asked Alia as we descended down the flight of fat black steps.

"Those are stands, musicians use them to put our music on them," Alia said gently. She seemed to have an endless amount of patience or else she would've strangled me from all the questions I asked through the day.

"Stands? Sounds interesting," I murmured quietly. "So what is that circular place called with all those stands?"

"That's called the stage. It's not really relevant to music but musicians perform on them at times," Vincenzino answered from behind. Alia was already ahead of Vincenzino and I by about ten steps.

 Three of us continued to steadily descend toward the stage. Even though we were only walking about ten minutes, we were barely halfway down. Vincenzino skipped in front of me and was already ahead of Alia, leaving me behind everyone. Being on Earth for about a month definitely affected me.

"Alia, isn't there any elevator or something that could take us down to the stage?" Vincenzino asked, stopping to wait for Alia.

Alia grinned towards Vincenzino, "Oh, so now little Vincenzino doesn't want to use his little weak legs?"

I chuckled under my breath and Vincenzino caught me smiling. "My legs aren't weak , my sweet little Alia. Oh wait. Is that... gray hairs I see? Oh and you have some crows feet too. Someone's a bit to stressed, huh?" Vincenzino replied, sarcastically.

"Why you son of..." Alia gritted. She clenched her fists as Vincenzino continued down the steps, laughing to himself. I continued forward, passing Alia as she took huge breaths. Suddenly a hand pushed me forward causing me to lose my footing.

Instantly, I drew out my wings and slowed my fall. Gracefully, I landed on black tiled floor and folded my wings back in place. I looked towards Alia and Vincenzino and saw them running down the steps like wild deer.

"HIKARI! Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" they asked simultaneously.

Alia inspected my body as Vincenzino looked towards the stage. She gave me a pat on the shoulder. "She's alright. No need to worry your little pretty face off anymore, Vincenzino," Alia taunted. She motioned me to get next to her as she walked closer to the center of the stage.

"I'm sorry about pushing you. I wanted you to fall into Vincenzino so he could get all worked up. Who knew you'd spread your wings and almost get hurt by going into the invisible lasers above. You shouldn't let Vincenzino bother you. He's a good kid and very talented in music," Alia smiled. She watched Vincezino open a small square door in front of the center stand.

"Where's Vincenzino going?" I asked. I went closer to the square in the ground and saw metal bars that led to a green room.

"He's most likely getting his favorite violin down there. Take a seat. We've been walking down those steps for so long," Aria sighed. She gently sat down on the nearest chair and crossed her legs. Her gold eyes followed my movement as I plopped on the chair behind her.

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