Chapter One- Awakening to a Beating Heart

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  • Dedicated to Juan Perez

Once my eyes were open, I regretted it instantly. It was too late to try and fall asleep for my senses were revitalizing and they were pounding me hard. Prickling sensations ran throughout my body while foul stenches itched my nose and high screeches were piercing my ear. After a strong wave of revitalization, I was back on my feet. Every bruise that I received from the fight back on Donalone ached all at once.

"WHERE AM I?!" I yelled out. The area was deserted with patches of dead grass and bits of rocks clumped together. My clothes, including my under garments, were ripped, torn, and burnt. A cool breeze blew in my face hitting my nose with scents of decay. I held in my breath and began to run straight ahead.

"I may not know where I'm going... but there has to be life somewhere. I don't know how much more my body can endure anymore," I said to myself. My ash colored hair flowed away my face as my speed increased bit by bit. I was about a meter from where I was, when I saw, in the corner of my eye, an arrow headed straight at me. Gracefully, I grab the arrow with two fingers. I set my eyes to zoom to 100 which was the maximum of my advanced eyesight. After my eyes adjusted, I turned my head and saw a body hiding behind a suspicious body of rocks.

I unconsciously began to run to that body as if I needed some bit of life to prove to me that I wasn't dead. My feet started to hurt as I ran my max speed but I brushed aside the pain and continued to run. The body didn't move from its spot so it wasn't long till I began to wonder whether or not it was actually the thing that almost shot me. 

My eyes began to acknowledge details as I began to focus on that thing. The almost lifeless body had short wavy mousse hair that was sharply contrasted by its tattered clothes. As I lessened the distance between us, the body still never moved. My body stopped in an abrupt halt and I inched closer, slowly, then I gathered the courage to touch the body. It was a body similar to a body of a guy around fifteen, like myself. I took in a deep breath, reminding myself not to remember the harsh stench, and I grazed my hand across his cheek. 

Everything seemed to be normal until I noticed that there was an odd black vain throbbing in his throat. How strange... I pondered in my head. After snapping back from my thoughts, I realized that he was gasping for air. There was a part of me that wanted to help him, since he was the only living thing in the area. I gave him a pitied look for I did not know how to save him. "I'm sorry," I whispered, "Perhaps I really am dead..."  

I gathered myself and began to leave the guy to wither but something hurt within me. I looked back at the body and sighed. I knew what my stupid heart wanted and I caved in. "I'm already dead so I might as well," I said. My body bent down right next to him and I leaned my face foward. And before I had realized it, I had given my first kiss to a stranger. 

"Who a-are you?" the guy asked faintly, "Where am I?" His body leaned against the rocks. He awaked in equal parts shock and agony. Surprisingly enough, his condition got better after I had kissed him. Although he didn't remember what had happened, I smiled to myself when I remembered that kiss because, even though it was I who gave it to him, it felt surreal.

I snapped back to reality and answered his questions, "My name is Hikari and I have no idea where we are. Does this place not seem familiar to you?" I struggled to form my words since his language was different than mine but once I heard his words my brain automatically translated the words.

He struggled as he tried to stand up. "I think it's best if you rest a little longer," I interrupted. He glanced back down at me and began to study me.

"My name's Daniel," he extended his hand forward. I didn't know what to do with his hand. Slap it? Break it? Daniel noticed that my face became puzzled  and said, "You shake it. You're not from here... are you?" His hand receded back to his side, I then took my turn to study him. His face was basic with hazel eyes and long brown wavy hair gently resting upon his long eyelashes. He was about my height but just slightly taller than me.

"I'm from a world called Donalone. The people there are cruel and before I knew it, I was slaughtered and about to die. But when I woke up, I was here on this strange place. When I began to run away from here, someone had tried to shoot me with an arrow. Thankfully I caught it just in time but as I looked for the archer and I saw you near a large body of rocks so I came over here and found you unconscious," I answered.

"Donalone? Slaughtered? Archer?" he asked himself, I could hear his soft mumbles to himself. "I don't do archery. Are you sure you're from another world? You look like a human that would live here on Earth. The only difference is that you are taller than any women I met. I'm 5"10 and you seem like about 5"9 . You're... covered with wounds which is strange since no women in my village are allowed to fight."

"Village?" I thought to myself ecstatically. "Can you take me to your village? Please? I don't know how much longer I can survive without some medical attention," I begged. The pain of my body were crying out to me but I continued to ignore it.

Daniel looked around the area and his face became somber, "I'm sorry Hikari but I'm afraid that this is my village."

I gasped, a village that was now a barren waste land was shocking. I couldn't focus my thoughts much for the pain was beginning to tug at my insides. "I'm sorry but is there any other villages around here?" His face looked at me with concern as I sat down near the wall of rocks. It hurt to just stand and my senses were beginning too dull.

"My village was the only village around for a hundred miles but the Elders did speak of a legendary place called Helios. It's supposed to be a very advance city. Sadly, I don't know where it is or whether or not if it's real," he said with pity, "If you're from another world then don't you have some sort of powers?"

"Powers? I only have advance sight, smell, and hearing. Other than that, I'm still young to really receive my true power: the power to fly," I said with disappointment. I might just die before I finally receive my wings.

"Flight? Are you an...Angel?!" he asked in astonishment. Daniel chose to sit next to me, close enough for me to smell the dirty stenches emitting from him.

"An Angel, huh?" I sighed, "In my home planet, we fight everyday with not one bit of mercy in it. Even the little kids fight, and sadly some even...die. If that's what you call Angels then go ahead and call me one. But to me, we are more like Demons than Angels."

I winced for my pain was screaming at me and beating my body. I knew I wasn't going to last another second.

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