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In Everything Has Changed, Layla was portrayed by Mackenzie Foy, but now she is portrayed by Luna Blaise.

Layla's point of view

"Layla, Layla, Layla! The monster is coming!" Jennie screamed as she ran into my room, interrupting me and Ben while we were watching a movie. I sighed as dad ran in after Jennie, wearing Ed's Halloween mask.

"Spying again, dad?" I said. 

"What, me? No of course not! Jennie and I were just playing monster and she just coincidentally decided to run in here." Dad said. 

"Ha-ha, you're so funny dad. Just give us some privacy, okay? We're not doing anything we're not supposed to, so don't worry." 

"Fine." He said crossing his arms and pouting. God, he's so silly sometimes. "Come on Jennie, let's see if Chris wants to play." 

Dad grabbed Jennie's hand and they left my room, luckily. 

"Your dad's funny." Ben said chuckling. I rolled my eyes at him and kissed him. 

"You're lucky I love you." I said. He smiled and said it back. 

"Remember our first kiss?" Ben asked, intertwining his fingers with mine. 

"Yeah... You stormed through airport and had security chasing you and just kissed me. It all happened so fast that I could barely even process what was happening." I said grinning. He kissed me again. 

"I can't believe we've been together for 4 years soon. Where did all the time go?" He said. 

"I can't believe we've been together for 4 years and my dad still doesn't fully trust us." I said making him chuckle again.

We continued watching the movie, only to be disturbed once again. This time it was my mom. 

"Ben, your mother is here." Mom said smiling at him. My mom has always been much more comfortable with me having a boyfriend, unlike dad. She thinks Ben is great and knows that I've gotten older and have, you know, urges too. 

"Okay, tell her I'll be down in a minute." Ben said and smiled. Mom nodded and left my room. "I'm coming over again tonight. Keep your window open." 

"But what if my mom or dad notices?" I asked. 

"They won't. I promise." He said. "But I gotta go. I love you, bye." 

"I love you too. Bye." 

When he left, it didn't take long before Chris entered my room. 

"Hi, Chris." I said smiling at him. 

"Daddy made me ask you if you and Ben did anything bad." Chris said climbing into my bed. 

"Really? Did daddy say anything else?" I asked. 

"Only that he was gonna give me ice cream as a reward." He answered. 

"Chris, can you make dad come up here?" I asked and he nodded. 

"Okay, sissy." He said. Jennie taught him to call me sissy, just like she did when she was his age. 

He climbed down from the bed and left my room. It didn't take long before dad entered my room again. I crossed my arms and sighed as he sat down on the edge of my bed. 

"Dad, you need to start trusting me, okay? You can't keep using Jennie and Chris to find out what Ben and I are doing. We are both getting older and we deserve our privacy." I said. 

"I know, sweetheart. I'm just scared to lose my little girl." He said and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back as he kissed the top of my head. "I just wish you could have stayed little. Now you're so grown up. You have a serious boyfriend and who knows when you'll be moving out soon! I know we don't have to worry about your brother moving out anytime soon, but who knows if you and Ben decided to move together." 

"Dad, like you and mom would let me move in with Ben. You would be way too paranoid and come over three times a day and check on us." I said. 

"I'm not saying it's gonna happen yet, but if you're still dating in a couple of years, I'm gonna be supportive of whatever you decide. Just don't get pregnant. Whatever you do, wait until you are at least 25." 

"Why? You and mom had me and Ed at, like, 20." I said. 

"I'm not saying that you were straight up accidents, but you weren't planned and we thought it would be wrong to get an abortion." He said. I nodded. 

"But don't worry dad. I'll still be your little girl for a few more years." I said. "You still have Jennie, though."

"Yeah, I know." He said and smiled. "But I'll go now. Do your homework or whatever girls do." 

"I finished my homework hours ago." I replied. "I'll probably just binge-watch netflix until I go to bed." 

"That's my girl." He said making me laugh. He laughed as well before he left my room. This was just a normal day in the family Styles household. 


sucks, but oh well.. hahahh, hope you like this!!

- m i a h xx

Family Styles - Sequel to the Baby Styles seriesWhere stories live. Discover now