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Layla's point of view

"Layla!" I immediately grinned as I heard the sound of my two best friends. I looked around me and noticed them running towards me, so I dropped my bags ready to hug them. They both embraced me in a big hug, we all even cried.

"I missed you girls sooo much!" I said.

"We missed you too!" Erica said as we pulled away.

Summer was now over, and I was ready to start university. I was back in London, which was extremely exciting.

"How was LA?" Sarah asked. They both helped me carry my bags out of the airport.

"It was okay. I didn't really make any friends there, so I'm really happy to be here now." I said and they smiled. Then, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw a snapchat notification. It was from Ed. I opened it and immediately smiled. It was a picture og little Nicky, and Ed had written 'nicky already misses his auntie'.

"Aww, is that Nicky? He's so cute!!" Sarah said looking at my phone.

"I know! He's the cutest little creatute ever!" I said as I answered Ed saying 'aww i miss him too! give him looooads of kisses from me!'.

We got out of the airport and got into Erica's car. We then drove to our new flat that dad bought us. It was just outside the university's campus, so we could even walk to our classes. I was thrilled when dad said he'd buy it for us.

Erica and Sarah had already moved their stuff to their flat, so it was only me left. But, that meant they could both help me move in.

When we arrived, we carried all my stuff inside and to my room. It was a big, modern room. There was a huge king-size bed, which were in all the bedrooms. There was also a walk-in closet, just like I had in my old room. I had an own bathroom as well. There were four bathrooms in the flat, surprisingly. We all had one each and then there was a guest bathroom. I can't even believe my dad would buy this for us. He's just the best.

While I was unpacking, Sarah and Erica decided to start dinner. We were having tacos, one of my favorites. I wasn't quite finished unpacking yet when dinner was done, but I could just finish later.

We all sat down at the kitchen table and began eating. While we were eating, I could swear I saw Sarah take a picture of me, which I later saw she had posted on Instagram. She had captioned it 'london missed you!!'

It was a picture of me where my face was stuffed with tacos. You could even see the meat that was about to fall out of my mouth because I was laughing so hard.

"You're gonna pay for this picture, Sarah." I said jokingly, and she just smirked. She looked down at her phone and her eyes went wide.

"Holy shit." She said.

"What?" Both Erica and I asked.

"Ben liked the photo of you. I completely forgot he even still follows me. He never likes my photos!" Sarah said.

"Oh... But he's not in London, right?" I asked.

"No, I think he's in Liverpool or Manchester or something." Sarah replied. "You guys haven't talked since the breakup?"

"No..." I replied. "It's weird to think it was half a year ago. It feels like yesterday."

"He was really upset when you left. Since you didn't tell him, he asked us where you were a few days after you moved. He looked crushed." Erica said.

"Do you wanna know the last thing I said to him? Which I already regret, by the way." I said.

"Tell us." Erica said.

"I told him I wish I had never met him..." I said.

"Wow... He must have really upset you." Sarah said and I nodded.

"Whatever, it's the past now. He's in Liverpool or whatever and I'm in London. And I don't think he would wanna see me either. Not when you think about our last conversation. We were both yelling and it was just horrible." I said.

"What he was yelling?" Erica asked.

"Yeah. First I got mad, and then he got mad. Then I got even more mad and told him I wish I had never met him." I said.

"Oh my god why didn't you tell us this? When you told us this before you left, you never mentioned yelling." Sarah asked.

"I don't know. I guess I just didn't wanna think about it. The day after though, mom told me we were moving to LA." I said. Erica nodded, while Sarah was staring at her phone screen. Her eyebrows were furrowed, right before her eyes widened again.

"Layla, look at this." Sarah said and handed me her phone. It was on Instagram Direct Messages, between her and Ben.

benremington: is layla really in london?

supersarah: yeah

benremington: im coming

supersarah: aren't you in liverpool or whatever

benremington: it's manchester, and im not leaving until next week

supersarah: well u can't come

benremington: i dont care. im coming


hope you like this :)))

- m i a h xx

Family Styles - Sequel to the Baby Styles seriesWhere stories live. Discover now