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Alone is a grimy unlit apartment sat a disheveled pale mess. Clothed in only boxers, he sat with one knee up and the other leg stretched in front of him, yet both legs were tangled in sheets from his unmade bed.His head rested in his left hand, that also held a cigarette, while the other held an intoxicating substance by the neck. His breathing was heavy and uneven, as if he ran a mile.

Beside him was a dresser scattered with empty bottle and cartons. A sleek telephone hung off it's holder, preventing it to receive calls, which was a blessing to John.

Since last Friday, he received calls nonstop. Since last Friday, he has cried nonstop. Since last Friday he never left his home. Since last Friday, he ignored everyone.

And here's why.

An end of year senior party was held in a student's house on the last day of school. Everyone and anyone was invited. Since anyone was invited, John brought his good pals Brian and Roger along. And also his beloved girlfriend Veronica.

As soon as they entered the house, they felt the booming music attack their chests. Dozens of drunk people moved to the music, causing people to bump against each other. Dim colored lights hung from the ceiling, moving in circles to create a swirling motion of color. Alcohol was placed on a round table with a few cups and snacks. The smell of drugs invaded the nostrils of all, causing John's nose to twitch in disgust.

Brian and Roger decided to hang out in the backyard, so they could get fresh air. The bid farewell and left, which left the couple alone.

"So..." Veronica yelled over the music. She giggled and John smiled. The two sipped on some beer. Knowing they shouldn't made it taste better.

"This party is great!" John yelled back. Veronica laughed and nodded her head excitedly. John began to sway his body to the beat of the music, and Veronica followed along. They laughed at each other's attempt to try out new dance moves, which they both failed horribly.

Veronica glanced over John's shoulder and gasped. As John tried to turn around and take a look for himself, Veronica took his shoulders and yanked his attention back towards her.

"The drink is getting to me." Veronica slurred. She started to palm John's member through his pants. John's breath got caught in his throat as the sudden rush of pleasure shot through him.

"After I use the bathroom, we could could leave and have a little party of our own?" She whispered seductively in John's ear. John eagerly nodded and Veronica removed her hands from him.

She gave him a smirk and left, swaying her hips while doing so. John watched her every move until she disappeared upstairs.

John released a heavy sigh and smiled. He couldn't wait to leave. He ventured into the yard, planning on telling Brian and Roger about his plans. He only decided against that once he found Brian and Roger snogging under a tree. He knew that was coming.

He wondered back into the house and thought why the hell Veronica was taking so long. He paced up the stairs and examined the long hall with infinite doors.

He quickly glanced inside each door, only to find either a group of friends hanging out, or a couple doing what John wanted, and sometimes a mixture of both.

He walked inside of another door and was met by the smell of drugs and a group of druggies. He politely excused himself, but a man stopped him.

"Hey man, come enjoy a few rounds." He suggested as he held up a blunt. John was skeptical about drugs, and the man quickly took notice.

"It'll be fine. My name is Zach. You're John, you're Vee's man." Zach introduced. John nodded his head and entered the room. One smoke couldn't hurt.

He joined the circle of people who greeted him kindly. He smiled and awkwardly waited until he got passed some weed. He held a decent size blunt between his fingers and eyed it suspiciously.
The other's watched him, for it was his first time smoking. John placed the drug between his lips and took a long drag, and then sputtered. The group giggled and John's face warmed up from embarrassment. Comments around the circle were made.

"He did better than me on my first try."

"You go dude!"

"Try again!"

John was once told that it wasn't easy getting high your first time, so he kept trying until he felt something different. And he certainly did.

He was unnaturally at ease and woozy, but he still had a bit consciousness. John mumbled a faint, "thanks" and left the room.

A stumbling John reached the end of the hallway and approached the last door. He peered through the gap and nearly fainted. He widened the door even more and stood there.

"Veronica?" He yelped in horror.

Who wouldn't if you found your girlfriend screwing with some other.

Two bare figures rustled beneath the sheets. Veronica had her hands rummaging another man's hair, moaning her lungs out. The man supported his arms on each side of her, nailing her from above.

Veronica glanced at John through half-lidded eyes. He simply smiled and shoved the unknown man aside.

"Oh, John." She said in disinterest. Her eyes held not regret, but sneakiness. John glanced behind her and found the man holding the same expression.

Veronica yanked John into the room, and slammed the door.

Agonizing screams and banging were heard from them all, some more than other's. Moaning soon filled the room, only two voices were distinct. Soon, a happy couple and an unlucky man exited the room with wrinkled clothes and untidy hair.

John had bruises and cuts painted on his body. He felt sore and he could barely walk, yet he ran downstairs and through the crowd. People saw how distraught John looked, and they quickly called the cops. Everyone ditched the party. John was never seen again.

Because he hid here, in his shitty apartment, cutting all contact from everyone.

He knew people cared for him at the party. They left calls, letters, even Brian and Roger visited his apartment a few times. But he didn't dare communicate, everyone knew what happened at that party, but they didn't know who caused it. And they wanted to know.

John couldn't even tell if anyone he wanted to. His voice gave out from that night, he never tried speaking afterwards.

The event clogged John's mind as it constantly replayed on repeat. He couldn't stand it.

John released a quivering sigh and turned his radio on the highest volume. A pregnancy test sat beside him, but he didn't dare peek at it, already knowing the results.

He took a long drag of his cigarette, and allowed a fresh stream of tears to travel down his bruised cheeks.

I'm sorry for making so much stories, I'll try to update every story before Monday :P love ya

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