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The smell of fresh herbs being brewed waved past John's nostrils, making them twitch in delight. He stirred awake from his sleep and rose from his freshly made bed. He trudged down the short hall and followed the smell of food. Once he entered the kitchen, he found his mom attempting to dance to the music emitting from the radio while cooking at the same time. John cringed, knowing that's where he got that bad habit.

"Good afternoon Mama." John whispered. His mother whipped her head and jumped.

"You scared me! Sit down at the table." She commanded. John smiled and did what he was told. His mother came over with a plate full of pancakes and placed it in front of John. She then placed a cup of tea.

John sipped lightly on the tea and sighed. He stared at the homemade pancakes topped with butter and glistening with maple syrup. Steam rose and John could feel himself drool.

"Eat up, your baby needs it." His mother insisted.

The words from his mother struck him hard. For these past few weeks he has been neglecting the needs for both him and his child. He felt awful. What if the baby isn't healthy?

John cleared his thoughts and started gobbling down the sweet pancakes. He finished quickly but he still felt hungry.

"May I have more please?" He asked shyly, and his mother looked astonished.

"Of course." She gave him a new plate full of pancakes, and he ate it. This process continued for a few more rounds before John was full.

"Wow. You eat like a pig." His mother commented with a little laugh.

"I want to make sure my baby is okay, I've been a bad father." John mumbled. His mother sighed and sat beside John, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"No you're not. You've never been through this, or even taught about pregnancy properly. So here's the plan, I'll take you to a clinic tomorrow if you go out and get a job."

John groaned, "Why?"

"Because, it's important to have the money to care for your future child." She dragged out.

"Whatever job I'd possibly land wouldn't even support myself." John commented. His mother eyed him down and he shrugged his shoulder in defeat.

"Great! Brian told me about a job opening at a grocery store a few blocks down. It's walking distance! And also for a hobby, Roger suggested a band for you to join, they're both in it."

John thought about it. He rarely plays anymore, but he'd give it a go. And the grocery store is run by Roger's uncle, and he knew them very well.

"Sure, l'll do it." He agreed. His mother cheered in delight.

"I made some meals for later, just heat them up. I have to go back and watch Julie." She told him as she started gathering her things.

"I'll be back tomorrow to take you to your appointment. But for your information, I'm not going to be there to hold your hand throughout this pregnancy. My mother didn't, and it taught me valuable things. I want you to experience that too."

John felt tears prick his eyes. He wasn't ready. He wasn't a woman, he wasn't a mother. He was just a young boy who was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

"I understand mother." John choked out. She gave John a hug and gathered her belongings.

"I love you John."

"I love you too Mama."

And she left.

John broke character and sobbed loudly. He wasn't ready for this step in life, he wanted to be young and hang out. He wanted to live.

He didn't want the baby.

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