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John's P.o.V.

After my mom dropped me back
home after that appointment, I decided to pay the grocery store a visit. I knew I needed a summer job to pay for my apartment.

The morning star enveloped me in a snug blanket of heat while the wind swished through my hair. The streets were full of life, everyone around me seemed happy due to the fact that it's summer. Kids ran down the street holding water guns while the elders sat on the porch of their house and watched.

I took a left turn at the end of the block and spotted the grocery store. I walked inside and was instantly hit with the blasting cold from the A.C.

This grocery store was more than just a grocery store. It had an auto section, where Roger worked with others to repair cars. It had a pharmacy where Brian worked. Then there was an technology section where I was most interesting in working.

I made my way towards the pharmacy to find Brian, and I did. He was standing at the counter helping an old lady with her medication. I patiently stood behind her and waited my turn.

"You're good to go Mrs. Robinson, have a great day!" Brian spoke in his fake customer service voice. I chuckled which made him look at me.

"John! What are you doing here?" Brian asked as he leaned over the counter.

"I wanted a work here, in the technology department. But before that, I wanted to visit Roger." I said.

Brian smiled and walked around the counter.

"I'll take you to him."

We walked around the store and made our way towards Roger. He was chewing loudly on gum while tapping a pen in his desk.

"Guess who's here!" Brian cheered as he raised his hands towards me dramatically. I lazily struck a pose.

Roger looked up and laughed at us.

"Oh John, you're finally out and about. What's been up?" He asked me.

I didn't know where to start. Should I tell them what happened at the party, or that I'm pregnant. I'm still not comfortable with what happened that Night.

"I have some big news..." I started to say. The other's expression lit up with excitement as they moved in closer.

"Remember how I told you about how I have a male and female part to me, right? So-"

"You're pregnant?" Brian screamed. Roger gasped and smiled.

"I didn't even say that, I didn't even finish my sentence. But you're surprisingly right." I said calmly even though deep down I was ecstatic.

"What!" Roger yelped in disbelief.

"How long gave you been pregnant? Who's the father?" Brian asked.

"Almost a month. And I am."
I answered truthfully.

"The other father you goof." Brian urged on. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Did you see Veronica leave with some blond at the party?" I asked. The pair nodded.

Just what I thought.

"He's the father."

Almost immediately their faces fell, it scared me a bit quite honestly.

"What do you mean?" Roger asked slowly.

"I was high, Veronica and that man were possibly drunk. Things happened and boom, I have a baby." I half lied. Veronica wasn't drunk, she knew how to control alcohol, and the man knew exactly what he was doing. I didn't want to say anything else though.

"So you don't even know the man?" Roger asked, and I shook my head no.

"I'm being completely honest here when I say this John, but that was fucking stupid of you." Roger admitted. Brian punched Roger in the shoulder and gave him a stank eye. His words didn't exactly make me feel better about this whole situation.

"T-thanks Roger." I cried out softly. Tears were rushing down my face, which I quickly tried to wipe away before the other's saw. The tears kept coming and I gave up on hiding them.

"It's not like I really wanted to have sex, they forced me. Trust me, I would've stopped it if I could!" I yelled. I stood there with my eyes closed, looking down. My hands were busy wiping my face dry.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know that happened, I'm so fucking stupid. I'm so sorry John." Roger apologized. I felt his presence walk towards me and pulled me into his arms. Brian did the same. I couldn't help but cry harder.

"Why are you crying even more?" Brian questioned. I simply shrugged and laughed.

"I'm feeling a lot of ways right now, if only I knew."

The two pulled away from me and I regained myself.

"I'm going to take John to your uncle, he wants to work here." Brian whispered.

"That's nice, I would love for you to work here John." Roger said softly. I grinned.

Brian took me by the hand and led me to the manager's office. His hands were rough and his fingers were calloused due to him always playing the guitar. Yet his touch was soft and warm in my hand.

Brian stopped us at a door and he knocked three times. I faint 'come in' was heard from the other side. Brian opened the door to a man sitting at his desk. Roger faintly resembled him.

"Hey Brian, my favorite nephew!" Roger's uncle and manager, Tyler.

"I'm not your nephew." Brian laughed.

"You guys are practically married, I'm basically your uncle Tyler now."

Brian immediately stopped laughing and glared at him.

"Anyways," Brian began to say. "John wants to work down in the tech department. I'll teach him."

"Oh little John? Sure he's in." Tyler smiled. That was the easiest interview ever.

"Thank you."

Brian and I left the office and went down to the tech area.

"You've worked here last summer, nothing has really changed. I doubt you need any assistance but if you do, just call me down." He handed me a name tag and vest. I was familiar with this place, I got everything under control.

As Brian began to leave, I called for him.

"Brian, I heard that you and Roger are in a band. Am I allowed to join?" I asked timidly.

"Roger and I would love you to, but you'll have to try out in front of our lead singer." Brian said.

"Lead singer? What's his name?"

"Freddie Mercury, he has a mighty voice. He'll love you."

"Where should I tryout?" I asked.

"Come to Roger and I's flat tomorrow around six in the afternoon. We'll bring Freddie so he'll hear you play." He finished with a smile and left.

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