Abortion Clinic

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The next morning, John ate some leftovers from his mother's meal for breakfast. He was dressed for a day out of his apartment, finally deciding to interact with actual people.

Suddenly, the startling sound of his front door being tapped aggressively scared him. He tried to ignore it at first but it soon got annoying. He leaped from his bed, groaning while doing so, and stomped towards the door. He yanked the door open and was face to face with his mother.

"Good morning Mr. Grumpy, enjoying your breakfast?" His mother joked. John groaned and stepped out his house, and locked the door.

"Can we just leave and get this over with?" John hissed. His mother didn't seem to care about his sour attitude.

"Oh look, you're already having mood swings, how cute." She stated sarcastically.

John got in the passenger seat of the car while his mom took the driver. They drove off towards the clinic.

John was worried. He was labeled a hermaphrodite as a child, strange word he always thought. He had both sexual parts of a human, it was weird but he lived perfectly fine with them. It never stopped him from doing what he wanted. Except having a child.

The doctors in the past warned him it would be dangerous to have a child, due to the many disabilities the child may have, how the child would be delivered, and if the child would even survive birth. John didn't have to worry about that because he didn't plan on carrying children, until now.

"You're going to love being a parent." His mother hummed. John sucked his teeth and remained silent.

They finally arrived to the pregnancy clinic.

"I thought we were going to an abortion clinic." John mumbled not too quietly. His mother glared at him.

"I would never take you there. You know I'm against that!" She growled. The two got out the car and entered the building. They took a seat and waited for their doctor.

John looked around and notice he was the only male in the waiting room. The women inside stared him down, which made him squeamish.

"I don't feel well..." John mumbled. His mother looked at him.

"That must suck." She bluntly stated.

John groaned and located the nearest bathroom. He entered a stall and threw up into a toilet. He whimpered as everything exited his stomach and he flushed it down. He washed out his mouth and hands in the sink and left.

"There you are, the doctor is calling us in!" His mother appeared in front of him and dragged him towards their room.

They sat down and watched as the doctor walked in behind, before shutting the door. A tall lean man with a long white coat stood. He had velvet hair and thin rimmed glasses. He looked very attractive to John.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Bote and I'll be assisting you throughout your pregnancy." He spoke with his deep voice. John uncomfortably squirmed in his seat.

"You must be John, nice to meet you!" He greeted John politely. John nervously smiled.

"So, you're here to check on your baby, am I correct?"

"Yes." John answered. Dr. Bote gestured John to stand up so he could follow him out the room.

"I am going to weigh and measure your height. Then I'll run a few tests to check if everything inside you is alright."

The process was long. John was extremely underweight from neglecting his health for a few weeks. The tests ached him, and even embarrassed him. He had to pee in a bloody cup for one of them! When it was all done, he was sent back into his room with his mother.

"What happened?" His mother asked impatiently. John sat down and sighed.

"I'm underweight despite having a child in me. I had my blood drawn, my ass checked, and I peed in a cup. The doctor is running tests on what he collected from me to determine my health. We also had a long talk about my health plan throughout the pregnancy. I also had a sonogram." John explained in a fake cheery voice. His mom smiled.

"Aren't you exited?" His mother squeezed John's arm in excitement.

"No." John deadpanned. His mother pouted and ignored his obnoxious mood.

"Knock knock." The doctor sang as he entered the room with a clipboard. He handed two packets of paper to John, which made John a bit anxious.

"Those are your test results and dietary plans for the next few months. I would focus on gaining more weight. Just a heads up, your child may be a bit below the average weight but that's okay. Other than that, you're both good to go!" The doctor exited the room and John sighed.

"I'm not doing this."

"Yes you are." His mother urged. "I'll cook your meals each week, and all you have to do is eat and exercise."

John grunted and left the room with his mother. They left the clinic and drove back home.

John held the sonogram of his child. Right now it was only a tiny dot, but he knew that was going to change over time.

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