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Friday, July 7th

Today marks an important day. I was officially one month pregnant. Pregnancy didn't seem to be that bad, but I knew that statement will come back to bite me in the ass. I've checked out a pregnancy book at the library the other day. I did receive a strange look from the librarian, be who's she to judge.

Nothing much has change, but morning sickness has arrived loud and clear. My chest have been awkwardly sore and my sense of smell has changed for the best. My child is just a bunch of cells right now, so I'm not feeling anything.

Yet I was excited and I had no one to express myself to, so I went to Brian's shared apartment with the other's after work. I rang the doorbell and Freddie opened the door.

"Deaky." He smirked.

"Mercury." I grinned. Freddie and I have gotten closer over the past three days due to me always coming here. I would be lying if I said that I came for Brian's and Roger company. I came for Freddie, I had a slight crush on him.

"Where's the other two?" I asked. Freddie pouted.

"You don't want to hang out with me?" He whined. It was extremely adorable.

"We have the whole time alone on Sunday, you can wait."

"Nooo." He continued to whine. He leaned on my shoulder and I laughed while shoving him away.

"Well look at you two." Roger cooed as he walked out the room with Brian.

"Well look at you two." I mimicked in the same tone. Roger glared at me.

"I need to talk to you two, alone." I pointed at Brian and Roger. They agreed.

"What about me?" Freddie asked. I did feel bad for excluding him but he doesn't know about my condition. It would be too complicated to explain.

"I'll tell you on Sunday." I simply said as I followed the other two into a room.

It was a room shared by Brian and Roger. There was a bed placed in the center of the room dressed with a decorative comforter and topped with two fluffy pillows.

"Wait a second, so let me get this straight. You two wonder why people think you're a couple when you both share a bed?" I couldn't help but laugh at their silliness. They didn't say anything, too flustered to respond. Their faces were beet red.

"That's not what's important. Tell us what you had in mind." Brian urged in a hushed tone. My laughing died down and I cleared my throat.

"I am officially one month pregnant. Be proud of me." I announced proudly. I wanted encouragement and attention.

"Already?" Roger gasped. I nodded my head and smiled.

Brian and Roger gushed and cooed on about how the baby was coming soon. I still had a few more months, but I'll let them enjoy the moment

"He can call me uncle Brian." Brian gasped.

"He? She's going to be a girl and I'll be her favorite uncle. I'll spoil her rotten." Roger argued playfully.

"Or they could possibly turn out like me?" I commented. Though it was a very rare condition, my genes may pass on to my child.

"John, you need to live with someone to help you out when you get bigger in the belly!" Roger cheered excitedly.

"You could live with us, just in case anything happens, we'll be right there." Brian added in.

I thought about it for awhile. I didn't want to be alone, but I also didn't want to be a problem to anyone.

"It's a lovely idea, but there aren't enough rooms, and I doubt you'll want me interrupting 'Brian and Roger time' do ya? Plus, I reckon you don't want a screaming child in your house."

"You could always move back into your apartment if that's a problem to you, we love children. And there are enough rooms. We have a spare room full of equipment. We'll have to clean it up one day but for now, you can bunk with Fred." Brian said.

I get to sleep with Freddie? Sounds great to me.

"I'll certainly think about it now." I smiled. They knew I had a painfully large crush on Freddie, so they knew I'd love that.

We left it at that and exited the room. Freddie was seated at the dining table, furiously scribbling on a piece of paper.

"Whatcha writing Mercury?" I hovered over him. He hid the paper against his chest and glanced at me.

"I'll tell you on Sunday." He mimicked me from before.

Sly bastard.

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