Chapter 4

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Okay I have finally finished this chapter! It took me a little longer than I wanted, but enjoy! And make sure to leave lots of comments!


Zatriyil’s P.O.V.

“Princess? Are you insane your majesty!? Do you even realize what you have done! You placed the hands of our kingdom in the hands of a human! She won’t live as long as us, and just the overall fact she is a weak, filthy human! We shouldn’t name her our princess, we should exterminate her!” One of the cold looking dragons stood up and slammed a hand against the wall.

I cowered in the hand of the glorious dragon that was holding me. Being here in this world of dragons seems like a dream. That if I blink my eyes a few times and open them all this will be gone and I’ll be back home with my mother to go on another day of cursing the dragon name.

I always asked my mom why we hated the dragons so much. But she said I was too young to understand that. This is a total lie! I am already seven and in a few months I will be eight. I was old enough to hear such things!

Wait, my mother. She’s dead isn’t she, she died an hour ago. I should feel sad and want to go in a corner somewhere and cry, right? But I don’t I feel oddly okay with it. Not like she was a real mother anyway. Sure she gave birth to me, but everything else always came first.

It was always ‘Sophie dear not now’, ‘Sophie dear I’m busying teaching, go do something else’, or worst of all ‘Sophie try and go do something useful instead of staring into the sky like some lost dragon! It makes me sick!’. Yeah I really hated that last one.

But it didn’t make sense, if she hated dragons so much then why did she offer me up to one? Maybe she couldn’t see right and thought the beautiful golden dragon was a creature of another kind. It just didn’t sit right with me. But I like this new name, Zartiyil. Such an exotic name. Much better than Sophie, I knew seven other Sophies back at home. But I didn’t know a girl named Zartiyil.

I look down at the dragon that had brought me here. Her body was the color of a golden sky. Every scale seemed to blend so all you could see was a bright golden ray, no imperfection. She was beautiful and I had told her so earlier but she looked at me like I was crazy.

I admit as pretty as the dragon was, the one who was holding me had such an air to him. He is probably their King or something. Of course he is the king dumb dumb! That’s what they have been calling him this whole time! I told my inner voice to shut up and it did so. I would have told my mom about that, but she’d probably just rat out to the church to have the demons expelled from my body. She was so religious sometimes she probably forgot she was my mom. I still miss her; she had such a kind smile when she was in a good mood. Like a ray of pearly whites.

“Enough!” The dragon who was holding me roared out. “I am the King! If I choose to make her the princess then so is it!” Wait, did he just say he made me the Princess? I was not princess material! I’d rather be outside rolling in the mud right now than wear a frilly dress any day!

“No further complaints! This meeting is adjourned let us all continue on with our daily lives as they were.” All the dragons bowed their heads and left. Except for the King and the golden dragon that brought me here. I wonder if she has a regal sounding name.

“Sister dear, I would like a short while to chat with Zartiyil before you take her back to the nest. Just to explain what has just now happened. I can sense that she is surprised and stressed at the recent news she has just heard. I do not blame heard, I would have reacted the same way if it were me.” The King announced looking down at the golden dragon. So she was the King’s sister? I guess that’s why they called her Lady…Lady…I can’t even remember her title. Jeez I need to pay more attention sometimes.

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