Chapter 10

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Tada! I have finally partly come over my writer's block. It took me awhile (seriously I wrote this like a paragraph a day) but I finally finished this chapter. So to those readers who are still hanging on I will apologize for my several spelling mistakes after all I am only humans. I make errors. Anywho you guys know the drill read, comment, and vote! Again sorry and I gives ya a cookie!


Zarityil’s POV

Awkward. Just pure awkwardness. That is probably the best word that can be used to describe this moment right now. After the quick embrace I was left sitting in the room with Minnie.  It’s not like I didn’t like her company. But I wonder what my brother and Mama would think of this moment right now.

Since I was taken in by my dragon family I was raised to do nothing but hate the humans. Even though I was born a human by a human woman, inside I am a dragon. My Uncle always told me that every great ruler bore a shame that was thrust upon them to teach them not to be so arrogant.

 “So…can you tell me what it is like to, you know, be the princess of dragons?” Minnie finally squeaked out while she twirled her fingers in her hair.

“What do you want to know?” I ordered back while I crossed my arms. Minnie’s face turned a slight red as she looked down and searched for the right words to say or ask. I didn’t mean to sound so harsh, but a dragon princess must never show weakness. Such as compassion towards a human.

“Well anything really…as a slave I never really am allowed to go out and view the dragons attacking as many of the other villagers. If anything I clean them up after the battles. I was just wondering what they’re like when they are alive. Sorry if I offended you, your highness.” Minnie stood up and gave a low bow, not showing her face. I’m guess said face is probably red as a fire. If I want to find a way out I need to make friends with at least 1 human. Since I already promised to get Minnie out of her enslavement. Might as well be her. That and the other boy…the one who had the necklaces.

“Please call my Zartiyil. No need to be formal. I may be a princess but I am in another land so I guess I should show my gratitude since you humans offered me shelter.” Minnie smiled at me with this crooked grin and stood back up straight and sat back down.

Well might as well explain  the noble history of dragons to her. Since once I find my way home she will be coming to stay with me. Maybe I can her my personal advisor when I take the throne. Might as well make sure she knows the history.

“Well dragons are-”

“Savage beasts that are better off dead than going about destroying innocent lives.” A gruff voice interrupted my sentence from the door way.

My head snapped around and I let out directed to the unwanted stranger. I didn’t mean to get so animalistic but I will not stand for a mere human to insults my people.

“Ha! And here I thought that you just might be a young lady, even princess, but here you are acting like some animal. Those clothes don’t help either darling.” The gruff voiced answered as the owner of the voice stepped into the room. To say he had a scar was an understatement. His body was covered in them. His skin was a slight tan. He looked as if he hadn’t shaved his facial hair in quite some time. I might even be able to say that we had the same color hair if it wasn’t for his had tints of gray that must be covering up the luscious brown like mine.

“What about my clothes?! They were given to me by my beloved Uncle!” I yelled at the man while jumping to my feet.

“Uncle? So there are other humans who live with the dragons? What are they the dragons’ slaves or something? I wouldn’t put it past a dragon to enslave a human but I just didn’t know that dragons where smart enough to enslave things.” He replied with this smirk on his face that sickened me to the core.

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