Chapter 6

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Yay! I finally have finished chapter 6! Please feel free to comment on anything! Unless it's a mean comment, because i'll just delete them.


Zartiyil’s P.O.V.

The smell of roasting Lumi berries was my alarm clock. My sensitive nose twitched a few times at the familiar smell. Years I’ve spent waking up to that alluring aroma and it never get old. I try to get up so I can greet my mother for the morning. But I was pulled back down against a hard, scaled chest.

Zralor was still sleeping like the log he is always like. With his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. He lets out a snort of light smoke and grips me tighter.

“Oh great…” I mumbled to myself as I began to wiggle and fight my way out of his grip. Sure, most would not even try this when you’re my size. I always hated the fact how all my dragon family was larger than me. I was barely the size of Zralor’s palm.

After what seemed like a good half hour I managed to wiggle out of his grip and made my way over to my beautiful mother.

Mama was standing over a large cooking pot sitting atop a fire. She used her longest talon to stir the pot while she hummed. Her hips swung side to side as if she had a delightful tune or song in her head. I run up and wrap my arms around her neck (which I couldn’t even fit all of my hands around.)

“Good morning Mama!” I called up to her cheerfully.

“Why good morning to you, Zarti. Would you like a Lumi berry? I picked them early this morning before the sun was barely in the sky. So they will still give you that feeling in your tummy. You what people say? A Lumi berry ignites long lost warmth in an uneasy tummy.” My Mama replied and began to babble on.

“Uneasy? Why would I have an uneasy stomach?” I reached and nabbed a small Lumi berry from the pot and plopped it down.

“Oh you’ll understand in a little bit. Why don’t you go and wake your brother up? I swear I pity the dragoness who gets landed with him. She’ll automatically get a baby to take care of. A full grown baby at that.” Mama gave her deep throat chuckle and I soon joined in with her.

“I heard that! And don’t you go agreeing with her Zarti! I thought you were my sister!” Zralor suddenly sprang up and pointed an accusing talon at me.

I merely gave a sly smile and I shrugged my shoulders. “Why Zralor I have NO idea what you are talking about. How could you get such a crazy idea?” I asked with the sarcasm dripping off my voice.

“Oh that does it!” Zralor suddenly lunged at me with ferocity but I managed to jump back and dodge. He growled and turned directly towards me. I simply stuck out my tongue and began running around the cliff. With Zralor following me closely trying every now and again to nip at my rear.

Eventually I tripped and fell face forward on the ground. Zralor pinned me down as I tried to get up. As much as I struggled his hand managed to hold me down strongly.

“You know Zartiyil,” Zralor began playfully. “Recently I have begun to acquire the craving for some human.” Zralor opened up and began to move his head closer to me, as if he planned to eat me. All I could do was laugh until my Mama shouted.

“ZRALOR! THAT IS ENOUGH! YOU GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW! I MEAN IT! RIGHT NOW!”  Zralor immediately shrank down to a much smaller size and crawled over to his mother’s side. I got up and dusted the dirt off as Mama began to scold Zralor.

“Mama, it was only a game. I’m sure Zralor didn’t mean anything by it.” I walked over to my bother all ready to defend him from one of my mother’s rants. They caused deafening of the ears. But what I wasn’t ready for was the look in her eyes.

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