Chapter 1

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Hello people! Thank you for clicking on my story! I hope you enjoy it and I amologize for any spelling mistakes i've made. Remember to comment and vote! 


Zoruta's P.O.V

I stood tall on my mountain peak. My eyes scanned the cliffs watching for any predators that might try their luck and harm my youngling. The sun reflected off my golden scales in an array of golden light. I lifted my snout to the wind and inhaled. The smell of the morning air was quite refreshing after a hard night’s sleep.

Opening my large mouth I let go a gust of small smoke into the air. My wings lift to feel the wind run around them. The wind was calling out for me to leave my post and fly off into the sunset. Shaking my head, I forgot the instinct of my inner dragon. I couldn’t fly off whenever I pleased. No. A new instinct took over, one more powerful than my true nature. My motherly instinct.

I turned to gaze at my precious gift from Xal. It was my egg, the shell was a shimmering gold color, which signaled that my child was ready to leave the safety of its shell and explore the world with new eyes. Using one of my talons I nudged the egg feeling the delight of the warmth radiating from the shell. I bent my neck down and rubbed against it with a purr. It was my child, all mine.

“I see the young dragon is ready to be welcomed into the world, Zoruta.” A loud voice proclaimed from a mountain top right above mine. Instantly I snapped around and let out a warning roar.

“Easy sister. It is only I. Your humble brother and king, Zantor.” My brother chuckled and glided down from his position up high with ease. “I mean no harm.” Zantor landed a few feet away from me, not daring to land next to my egg.

Being the king, I was ashamed that I let myself treat him with such disrespect. But I reminded myself that he was not only King but my little brother. I take a step back and take my brother into full view.

For a King, he was as handsome as they come. I had always known that since the day Zantor was hatched.Mostly because my  mother made sure to remind me every day. I knew instantly that my claim to the title of Dragon Queen would be snatched away by the baby at my feet. Everything about him said king.

He was larger than me in an easy comparison. His scales were dazzling with the colors of the sunset and twilight meeting in an unexpected yet beautiful array of colors. The horns on top of his head were large and twisted in as if they were a crown. His eyes were the color of the Dragon Jewel that presided in the Temple.

“Forgive me your Majesty. I offer my most humble apologies for acting towards you as I had just did. It was unbecoming of a dragon to show such disrespect.” I bowed my head in shame. “I have just been very aggressive lately as you just saw. My egg is near its hatching time, and without my mate here…I just am being over cautious.” I lowered my head even more; I did want my King to see the weakness that lay hidden deep in my eyes.

“No need to apologize sister! And call me Zantor, you know I hate when you get all ‘your Majesty’ on me.” Zantor stretched out his right wing and wrapped it around me in a comforting way. “No matter what position I or you may be in. You’ll always be my beloved big sister.”

“And you my annoying younger brother.”

“Gasp!” Zantor jumped back with an over dramatic jump and placed a talon over his mouth with a shocked expression. “Sister dear! I am hurt!” I let loose a low hearty laugh. Zantor soon joined me in laughter, but our laughter was soon interrupted by the egg beginning to wiggle.

I swooped over and crouched next my egg. Waiting and watching, but I did not begin to see the egg tooth. It must have only been a pre-hatching shake. Oh how those test my patience with every one of their taunting shakes. The anticipation of the birth of my first born is being taunted by these shakes.

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