Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to My awesome friend Cassie!

Yay! This is probably the post I have posted in one week! You may not care but it's important to me! T-T Anywho please enjoy chapter 8 of Dragon Princess. I'm am sorry for any misspelling and mistakes! Don't forget to comment, ect. ect. You know the drill.


David the VI’s POV

“You slave! Didn’t I tell you to gather a group and get those slayed beasts from the mote?” I hollered to a slave who was slacking off. He dropped the bucket he was drinking and scattered.

“God, you can’t get decent slaves today. All I get are the lazy ones. Maybe at the next auction I should keep bidding for the ones that my son always points out. Even though they were always women.” I laughed at my own joke.

Taking a breath I looked out over my kingdom. Parts of the castle were smashed to bits, I’m sure parts that are missing are lodged in the water. Dragons were to blame for all of this. Those beasts are such pests. Why don’t they just do the world a favor and die out?

But no, they keep coming back and refusing to let up. They say dragons can hold grudges longer than woman. And that is one feat I may admire. From all of my seven wives they each could hold a grudge for a long time.

My father, David the V, had taught me well those dragons are not to be underestimated. Evil yes, but stupid no. My son has not yet managed to understand that. He is sleeping in his latest mistress’s room right now without a care in the world.

If only he realized that he was my son! He was Albert the I, son of David the VI! And like it or not he will take of Latendale after I pass. I cross my arms and frown not even paying attention to the debris that the slaves were now trying to pull out.

When I was a boy I tried hard to see the point in why the dragons fought with us so much. There were legends, but I never believed them. That once upon a time dragons and humans lived in harmony. And humans were once Dragon Warriors and flew with the dragons. Sounds absolutely preposterous! Dragons and humans working together…of all the things that came from a bards’ mouth. That is one that I will never trust.

Being the Lord of this province for the King I never saw fit to question why we continue our battles. Sometimes in small lands the dragons attack I would just rather sit and have a nice chat. But dragons are animals; I hardly doubt they can even speak. No they most defiantly cannot speak.  I run a hand to move back my perfectly gray hair and sighed.

“My Lord, shall I go down and help the other slaves with their cleaning?” A voice suddenly urged me to my right. I jumped for I didn’t notice my personal slave standing beside me also looking out over the water.

“Oh Kurt, do not sneak up on me like that!” I commanded him knowing he remembered who the boss is.

Kurt bowed and took a step back. Kurt was my most loyal slave. A family that was about to be sent to prison for debt gave me their son, Kurt, as a gift for me to forget their debt.  As much as I wanted to send them all to prison, I couldn’t. That meant giving the little boy back to his parents who tried to give them away to save their own hides.

Kurt was only a year younger than my own son, who is 19. Kurt was by far the superior scholar and soldier. As much as it killed me to admit it, my son Albert was a lazy, drunk pig. But as long as Kurt is by his side he may be a decent ruler. If he doesn’t lead this land into the ground with him.

“That was quite a fight wasn’t it my Lord?” Kurt spoke up again probably trying to make sure I wasn’t mad at him.

“Yes, there seemed to be even more than last summer’s attack. They got smarter too. I heard one of they picked up a catapult and tried to fling it at a tower. That is quite an admirable feat. Even for a dragon.” I finished not to make sure to lead Kurt to thinking I admired the dragons.

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