#9 His Fave Thing About You

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He loves your eyes. To him it was mesmerizing, even though you dislike your eyes. Every time you're with him, you catch him staring deeply into your eyes. You'll tease him about how weird he looked for staring at you like that but he'll just laugh and continue staring. He could never describe why he loves your eyes so much, he just does.

Neymar Jr:
He loves your laugh. You thought you laugh was ridiculous and the ugliest laugh ever. But to him it was precious. He loved how loud you can get when you laughed and often showed you funny videos just so he can hear you laugh. Your laugh is equivalent to his love for footballs

M. Bartra:
He loves your height. He loves how he's taller then you so he can rest his chin on your head or teasingly use your head as an arm rest. When he wraps his arms around your waist, he felt at his happy place because you would rest your head on his chest and you can hear his heart beat when he's with you.

O. Giroud:
He loves how positive you were. You could make someone happy immediately just by saying a few words. When he would loose a match or something bad happened to him, you would be the first person he'll come to and the only person. He can listen to you talk for hours and hours if he could and he'll never get bored.

L. Messi:
He loves your attitude. You weren't rude or overly polite. Leo thinks your just right. He loves how sassiness you are and aren't you're not afraid to show it. When you disagree with something you instantly say it out loud and you fight for things you disagree with. You are strong and independent and that's what he loves.

A. Griezmann:
He loves your sense of humor. You can crack a joke out of anything and he admires that about you. You both can't go a day with laughing and if you guys don't, it's just weird. You're never serious unless it's an actual serious situation.

He loves your hair. He loves how long it is and everytime your cuddling, he finds himself playing with your hair and as weird as this sounds, he has his nose against your soft, silky hair. It has this sweet scent that soothes him and can make me fall asleep or calm him down.

{a/n; send me request and ill gladly do them.}

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