#34 How He Proposes

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You guys often traveled to different cities and loved to overlook the city. You thought it was going to be a normal dinner on the deck until you walked out and saw the letters. When you turned around, Cristiano was on his knees and asked you to marry him.

NEYMAR JRNeymar had told you to leave the house and go on a shopping spree with his sister

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Neymar had told you to leave the house and go on a shopping spree with his sister. You thought he was being strange, but decided to push it away only because Neymar has had a habit of being weird. You came home and expected just to cuddle with him until you saw a rose petal path that lead into the living room. There, Neymar was grinning to the moon with a ring in his hand.


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Marc was feeling lovey and decided to build an outside theater in your backyard. You two laid outside and he refused to let you stand up when the credits came up. He forced to keep watching, then in a matter of seconds, "Marry me," came up on the screen.


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Olivier had decided to make up a game that he usually wouldn't do. He thought it wasn't worth going seashell hunting until today. "The one that finds the best shell wins." You started looking for shells until you heard Olivier yell that he had found the best one. You wanted to see for yourself and he throws it at you telling to you to open it. Inside was the ring gleaming at you while you opened it. You looked up and saw Olivier on his knees.

 You looked up and saw Olivier on his knees

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It had always been your dream to get married somewhere around the holidays. Leo was starting to put the Christmas lights up and refused to let you go out and see. He had told you it was a "surprise" and wanted you to see it once it was done. After three hours of him being outside, he finally came in and told you to come out. In the front lawn of your house, there was the magical question.


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From the start, Antoine wanted to propose to you at the place you guys met. It wasn't strange when he had asked to to come to Disneyland with him. The first place he dragged you to was the castle. No matter how many times you see it, you were always amazed at how magnificent it looked. You heard many people gasping and pulling their phones out, in confusion, you turn to Antoine asking him what's going on. That's when you saw him on his knee with your dream ring.

 That's when you saw him on his knee with your dream ring

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G. BALE (let's pretend that gareth even though the jersey and everything is all wrong)
It was the Copa del Rey final and it was a tough game. Gareth had broke the tie breaker and helped Real win. You were curious as to why he was calling you down and not celebrating with his teammates. Gareth wasn't giving you answers and he just brought you over to the sidelines. One of the commentators brought a microphone over, which made you even more confused. That was until he knelt down and popped the question.

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