#13 Random Things You Guys Do Together

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You guys like to play Mario Cart at 3 in the morning and argue about who's going to win and at the same time, gossip about people.

You guys like to dance in an elevator when the door closes and when it opens, you both act as if nothing happened.

You guys often text each other when you're in the same room and it's most frequently about getting food from the fridge because you're to lazy to get it yourself.


You have tickle fights. It's annoying for you both but it all start's when one person touches the other, and it makes it worst that you both are really ticklish. 


You sing together. You guys have a karaoke session everything, in public or at home. People give you weird stares, but you're too into the song to care. 


You guys shower together, not in a dirty way. It happens when you're in a rush and you both hop into the shower together, or while one persons in the shower, the other is using the sink or toilet 


Watching chick flicks at 3 in the morning. Since you just moved to Madrid and have no girl friends yet to binge watch click flicks with, Gareth offered to be your "best friend" and now you guys binge watch movies from Mean Girls to The Notebook. 

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