Tough Love

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CHAPTER 1: Scrapping

Akron High School would actually be my second school this year. My first being an Inner City school not to far from here so I wasn't upset at the change at all. And actually being into academia in a "urban" school wasn't cool and not being cool made for few friends. More like no friends. So this move was actually pretty exciting for me.

You see, my mom, who had raised me after my dad died, met and married Mr. Robinson who I guess you could call my step-dad now but that feels too weird. I had met Mr. Robinson before him and my mom actually tied the knot and he was a kind man so as Long as my mom was happy, I was happy. Their marriage resulted in a move to a better area now that our household has two incomes instead of just my moms. This also meant being one of the few black families in a well-to-do neighborhood but no biggie, I could definitely hold my own.

Akron High School was different from my high school in that it was a lot less tense. No more security guards at the entrance giving you the shake down. Thats about where the differences ended. Akron was all fluff! Banners on the wall proclaiming dances and important Dates to Save, cheerleaders and footballers walking around in their uniform, proclamation of their mascot The Bengals! (Insert cheerleader clap here.) As if anyone could forget as it was plastered on every surface of this place. It was a lot of school spirit and a lot to take in.

I had come to Akron high before to get a map of the school and take a placement exam but seeing it in full swing was something else entirely.

Walking to the front office to collect my schedule was the same old pomp and circumstance. I introduced myself and in the same breath, declined the overly excited secretary's offer of having someone guide me around. It was that offer of a guide 10 seconds after the second had bell rang and the hallway was cleared that had me kicking myself for trying to be so independent and no closer to finding my class then I was when I had left the office.

Passing by a set of lockers that I'm sure I've passed for the umpteenth time, or was that Bengal sticker on every locker, was when I heard it.

A scuffle,if you will.

The beginnings of a fight.

A sound that was all too familiar in my old high school.

I had walked right passed the hallway the noise was coming from, to focused on this dang map to actually pay attention to what was going around me so I had to back pedal when the noise finally registered.

"What's up big Guy? Gonna hit me?" Says ugly boy number 1 followed by a push to a very large and very tough looking... man? boy? man boy boy man.

"Yeah? Gonna hit him?" This said with a sneer from mystery boys even uglier friend.

"Yeah, you know if you do it'll be your third strike and bye bye you go. Never to graduate and disappointing your mother... Again!" Said ugly boy 1 with his even uglier friend laughing right in accordance with him.

They were coaxing this big... Guy to hit them! They wanted it! And by the way the guy was standing with his fist curled up and his arms shaking I could tell he wanted too.

Now, if there is one thing I can stand it's bullying.

"What the hell do you guys think you're doing?"

Both ugly and uglier turned to look at me with surprise on their face.

"I said, what the hell do you two little boys think you're doing?"

My words must have then registered as Ugly was the first to respond

"We're just hangin out with our friend little miss. Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about."

"Yeah. Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about? Right James?"

Said Uglier.

"Right, Mark." Responded James who must have been the leader in this as Uglier, or Mark as It seems his name was, kept referring to him.

Walking farther into the hallway where the boys were, I came to stand right in front the big boy.

"Now what you two are doing doesn't look too friendly. I suggest you get to class or we'll all be late."

Looking from the outside, the scene we made was probably hilarious. This boy was big, huge in fact and here I was 5 FT nothing trying to protect him and I barely even came up to his extremely large pictorial.

Mark and James had had enough of my interference at this point and their joking manner quickly turned serious with a scowl, making their hideous faces even more grotesque. Stepping In a little closer

At some point the big guys hand must have found a way to my shoulder and I didn't realize it until I felt him give a little squeeze.

"Look little girl, this ain't none of your business so I suggest you Scoot along before things get ugly."

"How can things get any uglier boys. You're already hideous as it is."

Now while I had a feeling of pride about my clever remark it was clear to see they didn't take a liking to me calling them ugly.

Quicker than a flash the boys where in motion, but before they could get to me Big Boy, with the hand that was on my shoulder, pulled me behind him and had the boys slumped in a mess of arms and legs.

Then and only then with me slumped against the lockers looking highly disgruntled, the ugly boys in a pile on the floor and the large massive boy-man heaving from restrained anger more than effort, did an administrator of the school finally decide to find us.

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