The First Incounter

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Ok so this is my first fan fic so don't judge also SMUT WARNING. This story will contain smut. Later in the story there will be smut. I don't have an update scedule set yet since in out sme where and school so i'll update randomly, sry. Right have fun reading.

//Fynn's POV\\

"Ok, it's the first day of school," he says to himself. **I'm going to make non nerdy friends this year.** (** means what they're thinking.) Fynn's mom calls from downstairs, "FYNN, YOU NEED TO HURY UP OR YOU'LL BE LATE" Fynn yells "ok" then runs downstairs. Fynn grabs a poptart and heads out the door. His mom is in the car waiting for him.

//Time skip to school\\

"Bye mom," Fynn yells "bye fynn" his mom yells back. Fynn walks to his locker where he sees Stef. "Hey Stef," Fynn says, "OH hey Fynn" Stef says next. They then compare squdels and find out they have 3rd, 5th, and 8th period together. The bell rings and Fynn and Stef head to their first period.

//Kana's POV\\

**Ok first day of school, what outfit makes me look hot, well hotter than I already am.** He just puts on a pair of black skinny jeans and a blue plaid shirt.

//Time skip to school (cuz idk what to write here.)\\

**Ok at school got to go to my locker** While Kana's at his locker he sees Fynn and Stef talking, he just walks past and gets to his locker. He goes into first period and sits in the back so no one sees him. Some guy (Fynn) sits next to him and says "sup", Kana days "hi" then turns to face the board. Durning that period Kana can't stop looks at the guy next to him. **Wow he's cute af** He'll never notice me tho.** When Kana finally pays attention in class the teacher ask him a question (idk wahat class to make this I also don't know what question he should ask so make up a question and class) the whole class turns around to look at Kana who's bright red cuz he knows nothing abput this class or what he was talking about. Kana then says I don't know, but it turns out he was going arounfd the room asking for names. The teacher then says so You don'r know your own name. Kana then feels stupid and embarrassed cuz he just made a fool of himself in front of the cute guy next to him (Fynn). He turns pink and says my names Kana. By now the whole class is snickering. The buy next to him (Fynn) whispers "bro pay more attention next time." Kana then says noted, hey next time you could always help me out. Fynn says 'eh, maybe' with a smirk on his face. The bell then rings for class to then be let out and Kana says to Fynn "Hey! What's your name. The boy then reply's "it's Fynn". Kana smiles and then says "Ok see you around Fynn."

//Fynn's POV\\

So in first period I sat in the back next to some cute boy (Kana). I said sup and he said hi. In the middle of class the teacher asked the guy next to me what his name was he wasn't paying attention and said i don't know. I slightly chuckled. To be honest I wasn't really paying attention ether. i was thinking about him. well Kana, when he finally answered the question that's what he said. At the end of class he asked for my name I then said it's Fynn. He then smiled and said see you around Fynn. Which then made me esplode on the inside. **Does he like ME???!!!!??!! UGH why did he have to be so cute.** Then i walked to second period where i then say him again which made me happy but annoyed that i had to see him again. **Hopefully I don't make a fool out of myself** ** This is math and i'm great at math so i can't, right? What ever I'll try** I sit down and then this tme he sits down next to me and says "hey are you any good at math?" I say "Yeah, Why?" "Cuz I'm horrible at math wanna help me out here?" Kana said. Fynn said "sure after this class talk to me and we'll set up a time for me to help you. Kana said "Yeah, ok", I was so happy on the inside on the out side i was calm and chill.

//Kana's POV\\

Second period is math, and in horrible at math like F-. (I know F- isn't a thing i'm trying to make a point.) I saw Fynn in the same math class i was happy i would be able to see him again. I then sat next to him and said Hey Fynn. He was surprised to see me but he seemed happy and said Oh hey. I asked if he was any good at math turns out he is. We planed to talk after class. This class he seemed not to be paying much attention to the teacher and he made a fool of himself. The teacher was asking easy questions and asked Fynn what 1+1 was and he said Kana's smile. Which made me blush but the whole rest of the class was laughing at him. I felt bad for him but I was happy that he was thinking about me. Maybe he liked me I thought. I whispered to him "where you thinking about me?" He blushed and said "ummm, no?" **it sounded like a yes yes i was but i didn't know. Plus he looks pretty straight. He also looks adorable.**

//Time skip to lunch\\ ( Fynn and kana have the other classes together too i just don't know what to write there.

//Still Kana's POV\\

I saw Fynn at lunch and said "Hey you wanna sit together?" **That felt so forward ugh** But in my surprise meant he said sure. So he sat with me, after a while he said "in math i was kinda thinking about you." I then said in a sarcastic tone "oh really?" He then said "yes really, You're cute" he said while blushing I then blushed and was speechless he then ran away. I followed him to find him crying in the bathroom. He locked himself in a stall. I asked "whats wrong Fynn?" He said "NOTHING GO AWAY!" He said while still sobbing. I said "no not until you tell me what's wrong." He said "I should've never told you what I thought of you. Since you don't even feel the same way." But Fynn I-I-...

This is all for now I'll be back.

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