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OK so i'm writing this early so oops I hope you like this story. Also SMUT WARNING!!! THERE IS SMUT. SSSSMMMMMMUUUUUUTTTTTTT. Mk have fun reading.

//Third person POV\\

So Fynn and Kana just got together and they are really happy, they both forgot about Kana's mean mom. (cuz mean mom cliche) Kana and Fynn walked home hand and hand, right before the were on their street kana remembered that his mom is a bitch, so they had to think about what they were going to do. "We have to tell her some time Kana," Fynn said. Kana knodded and said "but when?""sometime sooner or later, it doesn't have to be right now but it has to be sometime." Fynn explained. "eh" Kana said as he kissed Fynn on the cheek. They couldn't stop blushing at this point. It was the week end and fynn and kana wanted to hang so Fynn invited kana over for a sleepover. Kana told his momhe was staying over a friends house. She said ok and he was off. Fynn's mom didn't mind ether. Fynn took Kana upstairs where Kana put his stuff, while they were up there they decided to have some fun. So they began to make out. Fynn's hand acidentily grabbed Kana's dick, at that moment Kana said what the fuck Fynn. Fynn saiid oh no I didn't mean to do that. Kana then said i really don't care it was hot anyway as he leaned forward and began to kiss Fynn again. Before they went any farther Kana said wheres your mom Fynn said out y? Kana said lock the door babe. Fynn then locked the door and went back to the bed (oops you don't know how old they are Kana and Fynn are both 16-17 i can't decide). They started to make out again, Kana grabbed Fynns dick this time Fynn got slightly shocked but kept kissing kana anyway. They layed back on the bed and started kissing. Fynn then took off Kana's shirt, Kana let it happen, then took off Fynn's shirt. They were in binders and jeans. Kana Then asked fynn if he was sure that he wanted to continue. Fynn said yes my prince fuck me, fuck me so hard. Kana got so suprided Fynn said that but he kept kissing. Kana was on top of fynn kissing his neck starting to give him hickies. Kana took off his and fynns binders. Kana then started kissing lower and lower till he was at Fynns jean line, he then said you ready babe? Fynn said yes give it to me. At this point kana took off fynns pants and boxers to reveal fynns hard dick. Kana was surprised to see Fynns dick. Kana told fynn he'd never done this orta thing before fynn said well i havn't ether so we're both learning. Kana said ok and bit his lip. He then licked the tip of Fynn's dick. Fynn then let out a moan they both were surprised at that but kept going. They were to busy moaning and sucking dick they didn't hear Fynn's mom come home. She was down stairs when she heard the moan. She then went upstairs hearing more moan, and the sound of saliva slurping at this point she knew what was going on. She assumed the door would be locked so she went down stairs to grab keys when she came back upstairs Kana was naked too. She started to unlock the door Fynn and Kana both heard this and hid their naked bodies under the covers. Fynn's mom then walked in and said oh why hi boys, i heard some noise so i wanted to know what was going on. Fynn said we were watching Netflix. "Oh really what were you watching on Netflix? Fynn then said fine you caught us we were watching porn. The mom then said really why don't you and kana come walk over here and come down stairs to watch a movie with me. Fynn said we'll be down in a min. Fynn's mom said how about now come on, up out of the bed. Fynn told kana to stay under the covers. Fynn got up and walked over to his mom completely naked. his mom then so, what were you really doing? He then says we- we were going to- to- have umm sex.. Yeah I know.she then said. Kana i think you need to go home and your mother will b hearing about this. Kana said NO, NOT MY MOM PLEASE Fynn was also begging at this point. His mom said well too bad she's hearing about his. Kana and Fynn were screwed at this point after his mom left they put their clothes back on and made out a little more. What they thought would be their last time seeing each other. They hugged and kissed one last time before Fynn's mom walked kana across the street and told his mom what had happened. Kanas mom then beat Kana after the other mom left. She punched kana giving him a black eye and bruises everywhere. Afterward Kana ran to his room and cried.

Hey guys sorry but ima leave it there i'm not gonna update for a while so, sry, have a good day/night BYE!!

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