Chapter 13

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//Kana's POV\\

That's when I saw it, Fynn got hit by a car. I ran out of the house I ran to Fynn. The person in the car got out and called 911. After they called the cops I ran up to them and said

"Yo what the fuck, why did you hit my goddamn boyfriend?!"

"Yo dude I didn't mean too"

When he spoke I could smell the alcohol in his breath.


I went back to his side, I sat and cried waiting for the ambulance to come. When ghey did I went inside of it with him. I sat next to him and I talked to him.I told him everything would be ok, I then heard a faint "I- I love you m- my prince" I just sat and cried.

//Time skip to hospital\\

Fynn was wheeled into a room where they examined them I couldn't go in so I called Katie, since I forgot to before. She said she would be there as fast as she could. 

//Time skip to Katie being there\\

When Fynn was wheeled out of the room he looked horrible.  The doctor said "Fynn here has a broken rib, broken leg, and arm. He's lucky to be alive. But he'll have to stay here for a while for surgery and to heal." Katie said "Ok". She signaled for me to leave, but I didn't I sat in that chair. The doctor left the room, Katie then asked if I wanted to leave or stay. I said

"Stay of coarse, I don't want to leave him."

She said "Ok"

She went back to work while I sat next to Fynn crying. I talked to him. I told "Hey Fynn, it's Kana, I miss you babe. I'm sry for getting all mad at you earlier I just wanted you to tell me that well sooner. (Yes I know I said she didn't hurt Fynn but it's more interesting if she does.) I love you babe. I-I just never want to see you hurt. Ok babe." I began to cry. "Fynn I'm sorry this is all my fault. If I never stormed out you would be ok." My voice lowered to a whisper "I'm sorry"

Then I heard Fynn speak

"Kana it's ok, and I love you my  prince."

He then again blacked out. I just sat next to him crying and soon fell asleep.  I woke up the next day to see Fynn gone, he must've gone into surgery I thought. So I just sat and waited for him to come out. It took some time but he finally came back with casts on his arm and leg and whatever you use for a broken rib. 

I know this chapters short and I'm sry. Also I was considering killing Fynn, what do you think. Anyway BBBYYYEEEEE!!!!!!!

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