Chapter whatever

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The pic is me cuz my names Nandi and I was feeling like shit when I first made Kana's moms name so, yeah also I'm at home depo in that pic but dont mind that. Also most of you I'm assuming don't know what sparkle sparkle so this chapter or next I'll add a link to it. Ok, right have fun reading.

//Dad's POV\\

Ok, so I took my sons boyfriend. I just want my son, WITHOUT his STUPID boyfriend. Is it so much to want my son? You think I'm going overboard right, but I'm not. Ima tell you a secret, I'm Nandi (Kana's Mom). I never went to jail, I got someone else to. I have my ways don't ask. I took Fynn so I would get Kana for myself and so he can NEVER EVER BE GAY. MY SON WILL NOT BE A FAG. That's the one thing he will not be, he could be Donald Trump and I wouldn't care but he can NOT be gay.

You're prob wondering and I haven't tortured Fynn if they don't bring Kana by Friday I will hurt this little piece of shit so much. (I have no idea why I'm making Nandi (Me) third person but why not ya know, this story makes no sense and I'm sry)

//Kana's POV\\

So, I had that plan right? It wasn't that good it was just to search YouTube, but we did find out what Sparkle Sparkle means. So, that was good, we now also understand a lot more things. 

While we were searching YouTube I got a text. From Fynn? I read it, it said "Help please, I love you also your dad sounds kinda like a girl." I didn't know how he txted me but I trusted that it was him. I also followed up on the girl comment. At that point I went on Google to look up what happened to my mom. I found a pic of her mug shot, that's where I realized that wasn't my mom. 

I then told Katie that it wasn't my mom.

She said "Kana are you sure they took her from your house."

"I know my mom she isn't that stupid."

"You wanna follow this up?" She asked

"No, I have an idea, trust me"

We then went out to buy a mini camera and microphone. When we went back to Fynn's house I suggested we go to my house but she stay outside while I went inside. She said "ok" but if I was in danger or needed help to just scream. I said ok then put on the camera and microphone. I then went to my room to check if he was there well maybe she. They weren't so I checked every room in the house till only the basement was left. (Oh btw it's Thursday) ( Ha that's funny I'm posting this on a Thursday and I'm making the day Thursday. Ok it wasn't that funny) I went outside to tell Katie she insisted that she at least be inside. We walked in, she stood by the stair way while I walked down to the basement. I slowly walked down each step carefully. When I got to the last step I took a deep breath then turned the corner to see Fynn tied up in a chair, crying, and yelling at Nandi/Dad. He looked so hungry, so tired, so done. He was yelling at Nandi/Dad saying


"OH YEAH THEN WHY HASN'T HE COME YET IT'S BEEN LIKE FOUR DAYS. WHERE IS HE. I can't wait till he doesn't come and I get to kill you then take him back. So ether way you dead or alive I will get Kana."


"If he 'loved' you then why did he break up with you? Huh? Why did he leave you when you needed him most? Huh?"

Fynn didn't respond

"Exactly so don't get your hopes up."

I then popped out and said


"Oh so you did show" he said

"Of coarse I did"

"Glad you came to join the party" He smirked and walked over to grab me.

I then 'went with him' I yanked on their face to show it was a VERY good mask, oh yeah also it was Nandi. I gasped that I was actually right. I then yelled up to Katie. She came running down and punched Nandi right in the face. She got up and punched Katie, it got into a fight until I went in the middle of it and said Nandi, I hope you die and go to hell. I then punched her which shocked her I got on top of her ( stop thinking dirty) I could see her red eyes as I punched her repeatedly till Katie dragged me off. I then finally untied Fynn and kissed him passionately. We both sat there and cried. We were there for at least 10 minutes. Katie's called the police while not taking her eyes off Nandi. When the police arrived we gave them the audio and video. Me and Fynn then looked around the basement where we then found the Sparkle Sparkle dust. Me and Fynn grabbed it but didn't give it to the police, we just kept it, for, later.

We arrived back home and me and Fynn went up to our room. We were just going to sleep but we decided to try out the sparkle sparkle dust. So we did, that's when Fynn grabbed me and Pinned me to the wall. He whispered in my ear saying

"Baby I'm about to give you the time of you life" He then smirked and started kissing me. He kept kissing me, he wouldn't stop.

I know some of the little things I put up there I didn't really use, it's just I wanted to go back and write some smut ya know. The title of this fanfic has the word smut in it so I had to add more smut. Anyway I will add a chapter that just has what sparkle sparkle means and what it is in like the next ten minuntes. Until then BBBBBBYYYYYYEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

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