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Adonis sat by Iris who was reading a book at front desk waiting in case somebody decided to check in. The pale woman had been fixing her heels when she saw a man with a small boy, both followed a blonde woman that held a binder and umbrella. "So you'll live here, or just work here? I know that you were interested in the top floor."

"We're moving our life out here. Work, home-- I've never kept them separate. It's very clear to me: the art world has looked to L.A, and fashion is soon to follow. The top floor is where I'll live and just below will be an atelier, mostly ready-to-wear. Lachlan! Lachlan! Lachlan?"

Adonis immediately perked her head up and squeled in delight as she had now found out the man was in the fashion industry. As she heard about the fashion it took her back to her modeling years. Oh how she missed the runway and the flashing lights, glorious dresses and the ravishing heels. Lightly running to the woman she smiled politely.

"Hello. How can I help you?"

The realtor and shook the woman's hand and looked back at her client. "Uh, I'm Marcy, the realtor representing the sale. We're here for the walk-through. We'll let you know if we need anything."
From behind the counter Iris questioned the woman. She was confused as to why she was here. "Sale? What sale?" The realtor gave Iris a smile.
"Well, I know it was a whisper listing, but surely, the owner should have told you."

"Nobody tells me shit. I've never even met the owner."

Marcy smiled at two women, this must've been an awkward experience for her. "Well, you have now, dearie. This is the new owner, Mr. Will Drake. We'll start with the penthouse? We'll let you know if we need anything." Not long after they left Adonis happily giggled. "Did you hear him? He said 'ready to wear' Oh my god! He's a designer. I can model again, can you believe it! I'm gonna be like my old self again. I can finally be able to-"

"Consider it a blessing, Mother. You should have left this place years ago."

Adonis glared at Donovan for rudely interrupting her before deciding it was best if she stayed out their hurtful conversation that was to come. So she went to the kitchen and met up with Liz. "Oh Liz I can finally be a model again! I hope his clothes are pretty. I am so not gonna wear anything that's atrocious."

Liz grabbed the younger woman's arm and gave it a small squeeze. "I know I'm excited too honey. If he's gonna buy the place maybe we can get sneak peeks of the clothes, who knows we might even be able to Forgive me my dear but I have to go to front desk. Please don't cause any trouble."

Sitting in the bathtub she closed her eyes listening to the soft jazz music that played in the bathroom before the music came to an abrupt stop. Rolling her eyes she turned to face March, who had been leaning against the doorway staring at the woman with a keen smile.

 Rolling her eyes she turned to face March, who had been leaning against the doorway staring at the woman with a keen smile

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"What do you want you fucking prick? Can't you see I'm busy?"

Patrick grinned at the woman in the tub.
"Yes Ms. Bellamy I can see that. I must say that you have a ravishing body that I have the upmost pleasure of seeing.  I came here to formally invite you to the annual Devils night. It would be grand if you would a company us."

She snatched the invitation from March's grasp and tossed it out the window. "That's nice that you think I'll join you this year. Last year I didn't bother, it was nice that you thought of me though after all it was the least you could do since you know ya killed me with all your little serial killer friends. If there is a chance that I will attend, please tell Dahmer and Aileen to stop following me and offering me fake apologies. Oh and p.s go fuck yourself you bag of dick tips."

Standing up, the woman walked to her room with James following shortly behind choosing what to wear for the evening, both not caring that she was completely nude. "Well you certainly have a language Ms. Bellamy, if I do declare I think that you should go with the black lingerie along with dress I like to see you in. It would make me a very happy man."

Adonis scoffed at the man before an idea coming to her mind, "I have a favor I would like to request. Can you get me a date. Preferably the new guy, John Lowe. I'll only attend the dinner if you invite him March." James simply nodded at the woman's request with a smile as he watched her get dressed for the day. "Yes of course the more the merrier as they do say. I'll have you personally greeted by Ms. Evers before the event."

"Good," she said as she finished strapping the satin garter to her tights she turned to face the man bringing out her thick english accent in a very angry tone.

"Good," she said as she finished strapping the satin garter to her tights she turned to face the man bringing out her thick english accent in a very angry tone

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"Now are you gonna leave or do I have to kick you out myself?"

The beeping of the clock woke her up as she maneuvered her way around the halls and up to the bar where she was met with Donovan. It was always a rare occasion when the two would speak to each other. The man brought out an extra glass and poured her a drink. "Adonis. What are you up to at this hour?"

"I could ask you the same. I didn't know you hung out here without your blonde ball of chain."

He let out a small laugh. She always liked his laugh. "I'm just waiting for the latest news on our dear old home."  She knew that he was lying but decided to not question it any further. Adonis always liked to spend time with him whether it was a few shared words or complete silence. A few hours passed by and they were now on the discussion of motherhood. "I should have kids by now but I can't. Either way I could never be a mother."

Donovan drank the last of his drink and silently agreed. "I never wanted kids. They'd just end up becoming like me." She laughed and grabbed his hand. She really hoped he wouldn't reject this simple action. "That's not a bad thing. Maybe if you weren't a blood thirsty vampire and I a ghost we would probably end up having a family together."

It wasn't a sad attempt of a joke. She really enjoyed the idea of having children one day, getting married and starting a new life for herself. And maybe just maybe...

           Donovan did too.

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