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Walking in front of the bathtub, Adonis stood in front the window letting the curtains move as the air blew

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Walking in front of the bathtub, Adonis stood in front the window letting the curtains move as the air blew. The water was scorching hot and steamed as it was being filled to the rim. The woman's body was bare as she patiently waited for the tub to fill. As she stepped in, she heard a knock followed by footsteps.

"What do you want now? Can't you see, I'm trying to wash myself?"

James brought a cigarette to the woman's lips before lighting it with a match. He watched as she sat in the burning water letting the days blood surface the tub.
"When you said that you had seen something much similar to my son what did you mean by that Ms. Bellamy?" Adonis blew the smoke of the cigarette and lifted up her leg, lathering her calve with soap.

"I used to live next to a house that had a child much like yours. Except he was much more vehement. He was like a covetous creature that only feasted on carnivorous acts, he liked it when people screamed. I never knew his name because I only saw him once and that was enough for me. But his face looked like the things you would see in movies. It's face was stitched together in weird angles and it's teeth razor sharp. It made your boy look like the gerber baby."

Adonis turned to James who sat by the tub waiting for her to continue with the story.

"Back in my younger years my mother told me that the boy was very disturbing and hateful. That he was made out of pure evil and hatred. God's abomination she would tell me. Adonis leaned forward, her breast exposed. The woman grabbed the collar of the man's shirt and brought him close to her face. "That thing was like your son Bartholomew. It was unholy. His name was Thaddeus, he was the only child of Nora Montgomery the socialite wife and Charles Montgomery the celebrity doctor."

Adonis rinsed off her legs and worked on her arms.
"I do believe Elizabeth went to get an abortion from the very same doctor. It's such a shame it didn't work."

Adonis put the cigarette out on her forearm ignoring the blood that seeped through the burn. The woman laid back onto the tub and turned on music from her phone and closed her eyes, letting her body submerge in the water letting it turn a dull pink color from the blood that was on her body. Opening her eyes she saw the man still sitting there on the edge of the tub taking in the scenery from the outside of the window. Adonis looked outside aswell.

"I would give anything to be out there. Meeting new people and trying different things. But I can't thanks to you and your round up' gang. I could have been something more you know, but now not anymore. I'm not a lawful Christian but Jesus H. Christ. I'd rather go back to that house than be in here."

Adonis smiled and chuckled loudly, throwing her head back.

"I didn't think that the afterlife would be this bad in all my years. You know I really do hope you feel every ounce of pain that will come your way when little miss Poppet ignores you're fucking ass. I hope she dies too. So that when you will be alone for the rest of eternity. By the way, I'm fixing this place up. All those killing places you have are going to be no more. This place will be modernized and it will be the number one spot in L.A. Now get the hell out."

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