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"Donnie, what'd you have to go and do that for?"
In shock, Adonis stared at the bleeding bullet holes that came out of Donovan's body.

"You murdered me."

Iris crouched down time Donovan and tried to stop the jet of blood that came out of Donovan's injuries. Blood flowed through her hands and soaked the carpet. "No, baby, no! We were aiming for her."
Liz and Adonis turned to Iris and Donovan who were soaked in blood. "Iris, we need to find her. We need to finish her!"

"I am not leaving my son."

Donovan shook his head and tightly held onto Iris.
"Oh, you can't let me die in this place."

Adonis shook her head and placed a hand on Donovan's cheek, wiping any specks of blood. Donovan only shook his head and moved the woman's hand. "You are not gonna die. Iris won't let you. Neither will I."

"It's too late. Please. You gotta get me out of here. You can't leave me. I can't be trapped here with her other lovers." Grunting, the three began to pick up Donovan and made their way outside, careful not to hurt him more.

"Okay. All right. Let's go."

On their way out Adonis's eyes never let go of his gaze. He was fading away. Just like Tristian.
Standing in front of the door. Adonis stopped letting the others pass. "I'll wait here until you guys come back. I'm so sorry Iris. I truly am."

"You did it."

Adonis and Liz smiled at Iris as they gave her a can with Donovan's ashes. Adonis chuckled at Iris. "Big hotel. Big furnace." Iris smiled at the two women and held the can tighter to her body. "Thank you. I just couldn't have him going down that chute like so much trash."

Liz smiled at the woman and placed a hand on her shoulder. Adonis did the same. "Of course not."

Sniffling, Iris looked up at Liz with a questioning look. "Is there any sign of her?" Adonis shook her head, her hair waving in front of her face. "No, not yet. Hopefully she crawled into some corner and died. It's not likely."

"Could I have a minute?"

The two women left Iris in her room respecting her wishes. Adonis felt bad for Iris the poor woman lost what she loved with all her heart.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Adonis watched as Iris looked terrified every step she took. Shaking her head, she looked at Iris.
"We can't go back now. We didn't kill her. We'll never get another chance like that. We're lucky she didn't come after us. I thought she was going to fuck up my Jordan's. I just ordered these with those hipsters credit card, real good money too."

Walking in, Liz and Adonis held onto their flashlight and Iris the gun as they walked to their destination.

"She is gonna eat me the minute you let her out of that cage. Damn it Ad's, your lucky you don't have any blood in you." Liz shook her head at Iris's words and only walked further in the hallway letting the two women follow her before stopping in front of the steel door putting in the code.

"Ramona and I go way back. I can guarantee you that she'll at least listen to me. And we share a common enemy. And, hopefully, she'll see that that supersedes any recent mistakes you may have made."

"So we're desperate. Just out of options."

Liz glared at Adonis and continued walking. "We'll just point her in the direction of the Countess and get out of the way. What could go wrong?" Adonis scoffed. Everything and anything could go wrong.

Opening the door, the three women see various bodies of children lined up against the walls. Blood lined everywhere. As they walked they saw the body of Will on the floor, blood coaxing his neck and shirt.

"What the? Oh! Oh. How did that get in here? Oh Look at all of them." Out the corner of her eye she spotted Will Drake. Lachlan must've been dead too. Iris gasped. "Oh, God. That sad soul. They've all been drained. This place is a meat locker."

Adonis was the first who creeped around the corner trying to see if Ramona was out of her Iron Madden, but it was empty. Adonis looked at the women and shook her head, fear was written all over her face. "Oh Run! Run! Oh, God!"

Ramona stood in front of the trio and leaned against the wall. "Not another step! And don't you dare point either of those things at me! So the Countess sent you here to finish me off. Well, the game isn't over till I do the finishin'. Liz Taylor? Since when are you working with the Countess?" The three stood in shock, staring at Ramona who stood in front of them. She looked like a hot mess in Adonis's eyes. "No, no, no, no. We're all working against the Countess."

Ramona pointed to Iris and Adonis. "Not those two. Bitches put me in that hole and made me hungry for blood and revenge. Eatin' you both is gonna make me feel doubly good."

Iris nervously turned to Liz. "Told you."

Liz shushed Iris. "No. We need her. We need all of us if we're going to end the Countess's grip on this place, her grip on all of us. Please sweetheart."
Ramona lifted her finger and growled at Liz.
"Don't you "sweetheart" me. I have been scratched at, conked out, and locked up. But Mama is on a course correction."

"Ramona I should have listened to you about the Countess, but I was a love-addled idiot, so, please forgive me."

Ramona nodded at Liz and looked at the three women in front of her who stood in fear. "I feel you. But I'm just not feeling like myself right now. I fed but something not agreein' with me." Liz strut towards Ramona with a smirk. "Oh. Oh, but we can fix that. I have some of the Countess's purified stash up at the lounge."

Ramona waved her arm. "I don't need any of her baby aspirin. I need to take a life to bring me back to life!" She yelled out.

Adonis walked to Ramona with a frightened look.

Adonis walked to Ramona with a frightened look

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"Well that can also be arranged Ms. Royale."

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