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Grasping the hotel's telephone in her hand, Adonis took a deep breath and dialed the number she yearned all these years. After waiting a few seconds a feminine voice called out through the line.

"Hello? This is the Langdon residence. How may I help you?"

The woman held on the phone for a while longer hearing her mother's voice again.

"Hello? Hello? I can't hear you."

Adonis did not utter one single word. She quickly hung up and held in a sob that was escaping from her mouth. Elizabeth walked up to the desk and tapped her nails on the desk to catch the woman's attention. Adonis turned away momentarily to wipe the tears off her cheeks. Elizabeth sighed and skimmed the magazine on the desk while talking to her.

"You know about fashion. I would like you to help me in choosing my formal wear while I'm in Paris. In return I'll bring you some things while I'm there. Come, come we can't be too long."

In the course of an hour Adonis worked her magic in the closet of the woman she despised the most. She didn't think this task would be fun in the slightest bit. But to her surprise it was. After all fashion was always her passion.

Standing in front of the closet that varied in different designers, Adonis carefully picked clothing items and matched them together and laying them onto the bed.

"If you don't mind me asking, why do kill people? I mean I get it but can't you just stop? You can ask Alex to bring you some blood donations instead. I love that Dior necklace by the way."

The Countess looked out the window sipping onto her glass of champagne not answering the curious woman's questions which frustrated Adonis as she arranged the last outfit.

"Okay then grouchy bitch, don't tell me. You're all done! I think you should just wear the blue Dolce coat and the cream Valentino heels when you board your flight."

She looked at the photo of Lachlan and Will that stood on the table. "He has a kid you know? What's gonna happen to him? If he's gonna be orphaned might as well just let me keep him. That way he can stay here in the hotel and live his life. He's not going to turn into your little blood thirsty children. I can take care of him myself. You won't even know we're here. I know what it's like to not have a parent. Please let me keep him."

"Fine you can keep him. He's your responsibility. If anything happens to him it's on you, not me."

Standing next to Liz, Adonis smoothed her satin rose dress and watched the wedding. To say at least, Adonis was jealous. Jealous that others had what she always wanted.

A man who loved her.

It seemed as if everyone she knew had a man who devoted his love to them. March, Tristian, Donovan and even John all had something in common with each other. They all have someone who claimed their heart as rightfully theirs. Something she could be never accomplish.

"Present knows any reason why this man and this woman should not be joined in marriage. Speak now or forever hold your peace."

Liz raised her hand and spoke, "Uh yeah. Because she's a bitch with no conscience, no mercy, no soul."

Adonis muffled in her laughter at Liz's harsh words to Elizabeth. Elizabeth smiled at her new husband.

"Oh, Liz. Ignore her. She drinks. But the law requires  a witness."

Liz smiled at Elizabeth and Will, grasping onto Adonis's hands. "And we've witnessed plenty. Please proceed so we can get this over with."

The priest paused for a moment and finished the ceremony.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

The wedding was over and she couldn't be more thankful that time was quick enough to make this day seem more tolerable. Though Adonis was by herself she remained within earshot of Liz in case she needed to help her out of a situation.

"My darling Liz. These are for you, with my genuine hope that you someday find true love. One never knows when it may appear."

Adonis stared at Elizabeth, her dress moving ever so slightly as she walked up to the two. Watching as she gave the bouquet of white flowers to liz. She placed a gentle hand on Liz's shoulder and glared at the Countess.

 She placed a gentle hand on Liz's shoulder and glared at the Countess

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"Hope you guys have a killer time at your honeymoon. Would hate for you guys to be bummed out over there. I'll face time you to tell you what I want. C'mon Liz, we need to be away from boyfriend killers."

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