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"Where is he?"

Adonis applied more of her lipstick before closing the compact mirror and turning to John. His hair disheveled and face angry. "Where's who? Be more specific man, there is a lot of he's in this place."

"That monster you've all been protecting. The Ten Commandments Killer. He's here! Wren told me."

Liz adjusted her glasses and looked at John annoyed. It was late at night and her patience was running thin. "Wren? That girl is full of lies."

"She's dead. She killed herself trying to protect him."

Adonis nodded her head and glanced at her nails, shrugging her shoulders. "Well she was old enough to make her own choices that girl."

John lunged over the desk and grabbed a hold of Liz's dress. Of all people even Adonis knew not to do that to Liz. The dresses are her life. "Where is he?" Liz pushed John back and pointed at him with her red manicured nails. The man was surely screwed.

"I swear to god asshole. Touch me one more time and I will cut your throat while you sleep!"

"John. What the hell are you doing?"

The three turn their attention to Sally who awaits by the chairs watching the scene unfold. John walked up to Sally and pointed an accusing finger towards Liz and Adonis. "The man! I've been hunting is in this hotel. They know it! You know it! I'm tired of being lied to!"

Sally nervously gulped and licked her lips. "Fine. You want to know where the Ten Commandments Killer has been hiding? I'll take you there."

The atmosphere in the room felt different. It was colder than usual and everyone could feel it. Liz placed a gun on the desk and stared down at John. "You might want to take this with you. In case you find what you're looking for."

Adonis nodded her head at Liz's words.
"You're gonna need it. Trust me."

Walking down the stairs her eye caught the man that entered the lobby. Donovan. She hadn't seen him since she heard about his falling with the countess. She missed him. The man slowly clapped his hands and looked at her in awe. "Well if it isn't my dear friend Adonis. I see that you finally changed your hairstyle. I didn't want to say it but braids didn't suit you very well. You look a lot nicer with your hair like that."

A bright red blush creeped her face as she hid her face from the man. "You don't have to lie about how I look. I look like my dorky high school self." Donovan walked up the steps and firmly grabbed a hold of her chin. His thumb brushing against her bottom lip ever so slightly. "You don't look like a dork to me."

Her heart fluttered at his small compliment. Maybe she could finally have a chance with Donovan now that he was single. He could be her soulmate.

"Hello, Iris."

"Dono, what are you doing here?" Donovan clapped and walked towards his mother; his mouth slightly ajar. As they walked in the room, they realized just how bloody the room had really been. Adonis's eyes widened with realization that the bottom of her heels had been tainted red. "Wow. Wow. I mean, I heard what did with those hipsters and how you were ready to off The Countess's kids, but I thought it was just tall tales. But you have clearly come into your own."

Iris moved the glass from under the still bleeding woman. The blood that she was collecting would last her a few weeks. "I didnt do that. Adonis and March did, 'cause of you. But listen, it's not safe for you here. There's been a problem. I'm worried that she's gonna put it together that the three of us are in cahoots. Four including Adonis, I told her all about our plan and she's on board with taking her down. We need a plan B."

"I'm way ahead of you. The Countess thinks I'm back with her. That's why I'm here." Adonis whistled and fixed her tousled hair, examining herself in the mirror.

"Oh goodie! It was about time she needed a little heartbreak. Her and March both."

Iris stared at Donovan with seriousness in her eyes, "Tell me she doesn't have her hooks in you."

"Not at all, Mother. Look just sit tight, keep quiet. The less you know, the better. And when I need you both, I'll let you know."

A voice called out from the bathroom causing the three to look at the direction before Donovan ripped a lamp from the wall and rapidly walked to the door, kicking it open and dragging the man out. Adonis flinched at Donovan's harsh actions and stepped out of the room. She was starting to feel nauseous from seeing all that blood.

She wasn't there to see the moment Ramona was betrayed but she was there when she helped carry the woman into the closed off hallway. Adonis couldn't help but think that there never was a plan that Donovan had and that he made it all up but she refused to think he would lie about something so serious. As she and Iris were strapping Ramona in the Iron Maiden. Iris halted her actions and looked at her son with confusion. "Donovan, I don't understand this. We're using her as bait? Did she agree to this? Is this plan B?"

"There is no plan B."

There it was. Just what Adonis knew all along. Iris scrunched her face and looked at Donovan.
"Well, then what are we doing? What are all these cameras for?"

The man finally finished locking Ramona inside and turned to face his mother. "We are collecting our enemies and putting them in here. We're gonna hate-watch."

"You mean her enemies." Adonis corrected Donovan.

"Her enemies are my enemies."

Of course they were. He never was over the countess. He lied to them. To her. Adonis rolled her eyes and stomped her heels to the ground. "Aw, shit. God, Donovan. Can't you see that she doesn't give a flying Fuck about you? Jesus man, she loves that Valentino guy she's been talking about. Not you. Can't you tell? Everyone here isn't who they are. Take me for example, you think I'm light and weak. I'm not a ghost of time, I am very dangerous and I will guarantee how dark I can be."

Donovan looked at Adonis with his jaw clenched.
"She loves me, Adonis. And I never stopped loving her. Anyone who's against us is gonna end up in here, so just keep that in mind. Whatever you thought we had was in the past. Accept it."

The young woman kept quiet and bit her lip to stop it from quivering. It really was too good to be true. Iris turned and looked at the woman who had been staring at the ebony lady that stayed in the cage. She understood her pain, she just wanted to feel alive again. Everyone in the hotel did. Turning to her son, Iris sighed.

"There is no us with that bitch. It's just her and surviving until she decides it's time for you to die! The three of us, together-- it's the only chance we have to destroy her."

Adonis fixed her skirt and turned to walk away towards the exit.

"I gotta go, I'm gonna help Liz with something. I thought I heard her calling me. Or it could have been the sound of my non beating heart breaking."

WOLVES 《AHS HOTEL》Where stories live. Discover now