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"Well, shit! Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Well the doctor is sure. And there ain't nothing they can do about it? It's past the point of treatment. Which is probably for the best. 'Cause I would hate to lose my hair."

Adonis tightly hugged the teary eyed woman. The pale woman turned to Ramona and Liz sniffing.
"We can help you. Ramona could she could help. You wouldn't have to die."

"Huh? What, turn me? Hell, I don't even like my steak bloody. But that's never been an option for me. You know that. And at this point in my life, I can't imagine killing in order to live." Adonis didn't let go of the woman and continued to hug her. "So have you told your kids yet?"

"With any luck, I won't need to. They can just keep visiting me here." Adonis and Ramona held Liz's hands as they comforted her through this dark time in the woman's life.

They all stood in front of the room, all various weapons were scattered across the bedroom. Liz looked at everyone and rubbed her hands.

"I'm gonna cut to the chase. I am the first woman in the world to have prostate cancer. Uh, the doctor told me it's spread to the spine and there's nothing to do."

Will walked to Lizard ignoring Adonis's pleads to stop. "We'll spend whatever we have to. One call and I can get you to the best doctor in the world."

"Oh, it's too late. And I don't want to spend my last days wasting away in a hospital with a catheter up my dick and poison in my body." Marcy stepped forward to Liz, "But who will take care of us? You can't leave us alone." Liz sadly smiled at the crowd in front of her. "I won't. That's why I called you all here today. Now, I have provided you with various weapons. Take two. They're small. Uh hack me. Strangle me. Bludgeon me. Surprise me."

Miss Evers stepped forward to Liz and stared at the faces of the crowd. "I think I can speak for everyone here when I say that we've all grown rather fond of you. We can't possibly murder you."

Sally stood in front of Liz and looked at the various items that sat on the bed. "It's not murder. She wants to be reborn."

"You're my family. I want to be with you forever."

Everyone nodded as they made their way up to the bed where a variety of weapons laid. Adonis stayed behind and sat by the door. The door swished open and the the group halted their actions as they watched the Countess enter the room. Adonis protectively stepped in front of Liz and growled at the Countess.

"You're not welcomed here."

Liz grabbed Adonis's hand and gently smiled before stroking her cheek, wiping away her tears. "Adonis, let her please. How did you know to come?"

The Countess sat next to Liz on the bed.
"You were always my fondest creation."

The Countess and Liz smiled at each other once more before the Countess brought her claw out and slit Liz's throat. A cry erupted in the room as Adonis fell to the floor crying. Adonis cried as she saw her friend die on the bed. She struggled in the arms of will and Sally as they held her back from harming the Countess.

Even after everyone left the room, Adonis stayed behind and cleaned up the mess with miss Evers. After Adonis found out that miss Evers was the one that called the police, she gave her back the respect she deserved. Adonis befriended and liked the maid ever since she found out who had called the police. As Adonis scrubbed the white sheet miss Evers gave the woman a comforting smile.

"I really am sorry Ms. Bellamy for everything. I know how much Liz means to you."

Adonis smiled at the woman and continued to scrub the sheet before putting it in the washer. "She could've gotten the help. I don't want her being stuck in here for eternity. At least she has Tristan to keep her company. Everyone does. All but me. I'm gonna go to my room. If you can, can you creamate the body? She doesn't deserve to go down that dirty slot. Thank you miss Evers. Do you want come with me and Will to choose floor patterns?"

She smiled and nodded as she finished putting the sheets in the dryer. "Of course. Both of you have excellent taste in style."

The two women walked through the hallway and into Will's room. He was going over renovations with James. Adonis sighed and smiled at Ms. Evers, "We need the blue prints from him to see what we can keep and gut."

Will smiled at the two and waved for them to come.
"Hey! So I got an idea we can do a marble white tile with black tubs in all bathrooms along the third and fourth floor. The vanity will be doubled and it'll be black with mirrored panels. What do you think?"

Adonis invisioned it and smiled.

"Yeah totally. I got some ideas for the rooms," she brought out the ipad from her backpack and had it projected to the wall infront of them.

"So I was thinking that the rooms can be white with a grey trim. Light and brights kind of theme. The bedroom will be a king size and it will still have a bit of flare from the 20's. The floor will be a beige or eggshell carpet and the lighting will be a studio lighting. All furniture will be perspex and the lamps will be a white LED." Will gasped and clapped his hands together. Ms. Evers smiled and giggled as she saw the simulated room. Will looked at the lamp and back to Adonis.

"We should put the LED lights on the bathrooms too. It can surround the sink."

James smiled and leaned onto his cane.
"Splendid! But who will be paying for all this?"

Adonis linked her arm with Will and smiled at James. "You will of course. We call the shots now. Not her, not you, not anybody. I already got the money from you, it's easy what a hand job can do your devoted minions. You can watch movies on the ipad if you want James. Come on Will, Hazel. Let's go look at furniture. Restoration Hardware is have a huge blowout sale"

Will nodded and continued walking with the two women. "Oh yeah! I heard the beds are 40% off."

Hazel giggled and jumped with excitement.
"Oh how exciting! I can't wait to see the types of furniture this new era has."

WOLVES 《AHS HOTEL》Where stories live. Discover now