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Adonis sat on one of the many red chaises that are layed upon the hotel lobby. She didn't have to look up as she heard the bell ring. The air went out and the air went cold as the man entered the room, walking in as of he owned the place. It was Richard Ramirez otherwise known as the night stalker. He was the first to enter the hotel which suprised her because he was usually the second to last one.

"How may I he-"

"Devil's night. I have a standing reservation."
Liz smiled at the killer in sunglasses and bowed her head. "Of course Mr Ramirez. Well, my pleasure to welcome you to the Hotel Cortez. Uh, this is your second year joining us?"

Adonis scoffed and flipped the page of her book. "It's his third. We died on the same year 2013, Jackass."

"Let me show you to your room. Belle come along I know how you get with our guests this night."

"I was hoping Manson could join us this year."

Liz walked along, Adonis lingering behind them.
"Charlie hasn't shuffled off this mortal coil yet. He's still serving life in State prison."

"Aw, that's too bad."

Liz stopped in front of the door and handed the man his keys. "Your room, sir. The master has left a couple of treats on the pillow." The pale woman clicked her tongue and sighed in annoyance. "He's not gonna need a key. Let him do his thing."  She turned to the man in black and pushed him against the wall. "Don't make too much of a mess, I don't want to see that bitch maid roaming my halls."

Throughout the day Adonis went to the local mall and had lunch at the upscale Italian restaurant. It almost felt like before. She even forgot about the Hotel Cortez up until she saw Iris pace towards her telling her she had to help out in the kitchen for tonight. She hated this night but she agreed to join.

She had been setting the table when she was interrupted by March and his companions. "Ms Bellamy do you remember the man who you ravished earlier this week?"

He must've been talking about Tristian. She hadn't seen a lot of him since that day. Adonis was sure that he was killed off property. Her buttercup wouldn't do that to her. She grabbed a knife and pointed it at March. "What did you do to him you son of a bitch."

The man laughed. "I never did a thing to that man. It seems that our lovely Countess already has her paws all over him my dear. Matter of fact they will be attending another party of theirs outside the hotel." The woman shook her head at his words. He was a liar. "I don't believe you one bit."

"You don't have to just ask her yourself."

Deciding it was best for her to leave and get ready for the dinner, Adonis excused herself and began to advance towards her room changing into her newest wardrobe. She didn't want to worry about Tristian today.

Adonis sat in her chair at the dinner table, scrolling through her phone and occasionally looking at the door hoping John would come to the dinner.

"You gonna keep staring at me or do I have to pull your eyes out with my givenchy's?" Jeffery bowed his head down and looked at the tablecloth. Adonis smirked and leaned over the table. "That what I thought. Don't stare at John either, he's mine not yours. As the material of fact here here he is."

The pale woman was filled with rage as she saw Aileen speak to John about whatever stupid bullshit came of her mouth. "No, Aileen. John will sit where his name card is which is next to Ms. Bellamy and I. You know we like to do things formally around here," he said to John as he took his seat next to Adonis.

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