Zack vs Summer

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Summer POV

Last night me Lawrence and Zack went to a movie and then stayed at Zackary because it was the closest. We were on our way to Tomikas we wondered what we might find if these two spend the night alone lol.😂😂😂

Z: what if we find them naked 😂😂
S: shut up Zack their 15 and 16 that will never happen
L: exactly summer plus they've only been dating for like 1month they aren't their yet.
Z: I'm joking chill
S: come on lets go find them.

We walk in the house and see Tomikas pills on the living room table.
We look around the living room and kitchen but only see pizza boxes so we walk upstairs and check all the rooms. When we got to Tomikas we saw Tomika ps bed made but the lights on in the basement so we walk down quietly and see a fort by the Christmas tree 🎄 so we walk around and see Tomika asleep on Freddie and Freddie is asleep too. We walk up the stairs and make breakfast 🍳.
Z: they must have had a busy night Freddie never sleeps past 10
S: shut up Zack they didn't do anything.
Z: all right summer
S: Zack I'm not arguing with you Freddie wouldn't do that to Tomika
Z: I know but if they both agreed then they may do it
S: shut up ewww I don't wanna hear it they haven't
Z: wanna bet
S: sure Zack I'll bet you $10 that they haven't done it
Z: your on summer
Tomika POV
I open my eyes and I'm so happy I wasn't dreaming and I see that I, lying on Freddie
F: T you ok *says sleepily*
T: yeah fine just need to take my tablets  I'm cold
F: here put my shirt on over your pJs

T: how do I look F: beautiful kisses T Freddie and Tomika kiss for 3 minutes T: pulls away Freddie I need to take my tablets F: alright alright did you bring them down with you T: no I left the, on the living room table F: do you want me to get th...

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T: how do I look
F: beautiful kisses T
Freddie and Tomika kiss for 3 minutes
T: pulls away Freddie I need to take my tablets
F: alright alright did you bring them down with you
T: no I left the, on the living room table
F: do you want me to get them
T: no it's ok I'll make breakfast
F: be careful ok
T: I will don't worry
Walks up Stairs
Summer POV
S:I here somebody coming
Hears from a distance
F: be careful ok
T: I will don't worry
S:Guys hide I told Tomika we wouldn't be back till later
Z: ok we can go in the bathroom
Listens and looks through gap in door

Tomika POV
I walk down the stairs and go into the kitchen and grab some water out the fridge then walk into the living room and sit on the couch and take my tablets.
Freddie comes walking up the stairs
Imagine their kissing for a min

Summers POV
S: Zack I think I might owe you $10
Z: why
S: look what Tomikas wearing
Z: yes Freddie you go boy
S: Zack stop somebody's coming
Freddie walks up in his trousers and no top
Z: they definitely did it look how lovey Dovey they are
S: ssh Zack listen
They stop kissing and Tomika is looking for something
F: what u looking for t
T: my sugar level tester
F: have you tried your bag pack
T: no I'll check now I think it's in the kitchen
F: come on we'll look together
T: ok

F: found it
T: thanks kisses his cheek. I'll be right back

S: oh shit she's gonna come in here she hates taking her sugar levels in front of people she feels embarrassed.
Z: the closet quick
Tomika singing 🎤
So baby pull me closer in the back seat of your rover.
That you know you can't afford bite that tattoo on your shoulder.
Tomika POV
I walk out the bathroom I'm so glad me and Freddie have today as well to our selves. If your a little confused the guys are at zacks house and my foster parents are bens sisters house for the weekend because she can't come here xmas day.
F: what do you want for breakfast 🍳
T: want me o make pancakes
F: yes
T: ok get the stuff let me just call summer to check she doesn't come back yet.
F: ok
I call summer phone it starts to ring and I hear a ringing in the house I follow it to the bathroom and open the closet door and see summer, Zack and Lawrence.
T: GUYS what are you doing
S: we don't know
T: were you spying on me and Freddie
Z: sorry we wanted to see if you'd done it or not
F: T what's happening
T: crying
F: runs to T
F: guys what's going on
Z: we may or may not of been spying on you two
F: why would you do that
T: they wanted to see if you'd done it with me (crying)F: WHAT GUYS THATS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
S: we're sorry we were betting on you as well
Z: summer what you doing
S: Zack it doesn't matter anymore we invaded their privacy.
Tomika runs of
S: Tomika tries to run after her
F: summer don't you think you've done enough let me go.
L: guys we should go
S: ok yeah let's go
Z: come on then
Xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
Freddie POV
I know where Tomika has gone I walk downstairs and see her crying in the fort
F: T are you ok
T: they invaded my privacy
F: I know T buy I honestly don't think they did it on purpose it was probably one of Summer's and zacks stupid bets they have going on all the time.
T: yeah I know but it hurt me.
F: t even if we did do it nobody would have to know
T: promise we won't do it till we are a hundred percent okay with it and it will be our little secret.
F: yeah I promise *hugs her from behind and kisses the side of her head*
T: ok. I'll text Summer that I apologise for shouting.
F: ok

Day four of the advent calendar. What did you think I wanted to try something different to show they becoming teenagers and the struggles that come with it. Keep commenting and see you tomorrow hanks for reading

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