Chapter 1. Meeting in the Girls Bathroom

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"Those Who Don't Jump, Will Never Fly."

Chapter 1. Meeting in the Girls Bathroom

I pull my backpack over my shoulder and rush out of my subsitute teacher's classroom, Mrs. Walsh, and into the crowded halls. I usually have chemistry with my teacher Mr. Bates, but he is sick today, thefore I am stuck with Mrs. Walsh, and let me tell you, it is not fun. She stares you down and glares at you through her glasses which are positioned right on the tip of her pointy nose.

The next period I have is lunch, and this is probably the worst part of my day. Shocker, right? It's like a minefield out there. You have to scurry past the tall people and make sure not to bump into any jocks or the excessively annoying girls, plus, you have got to pick the right table to sit at.

The choices of tables you have are the hipsters, the sports jocks, the popular group, the semi-popular group, the band geeks, or the lonely table nobody sits at which is next to the school dumpster in the back.

The table I usually sit at is the semi-popular table. Not saying that I am popular, because truth is, I honestly am the most anti-social and socially awkward person you will meet. The only "real" friends I have are Kenzie, Lilly, and Connor. Connor has a brother named Chase who is my ex-boyfriend. Pretty awkward if you ask me, but he's alright, a bit short , but nonetheless, still a few centimeters taller than me. He has cute eyes and brown hair and he is a sweetheart.

Why we broke off the relationship? Well, he and I didn't have much in common. Sure we liked one another, but we just didn't exactly click. I guess you could say we're still friends, at least I hope we are. In the middle of our dating though, he got sort of controlling. That was the main reason why we didn't stay together.

On that note, let's talk about Connor.

He's been my best friend since primary school, along with Kenzie and Lilly. He's been there with me through everything, sure he's a flirt and totally inappropriate at times, but he's a keeper. He was even there for me when I just got ditched by Chase at a pool party, which was very awkward since they're brothers.

Then there is Lilly and Kenzie. They're both pretty much alike, if you hung out with them for an hour or two, you would think they're twins even though they don't look alike. They're personalities are.. unique. They're crazy at times and go full on ninja on you if you touch their nutella or if you hurt someone they love. One time, Connor had to hold back Kenzie from punching Chase because we broke up. Lilly was sick that day but she did text me very angrily about how stupid Chase is, which I agreed at the time. Now that we're on good terms, I'd say he is alright.

That's it then. Us four amigos. Connor, Kenzie, Lilly, and I.

I'm getting off topic though, as I was saying earlier, the semi-popular table consists of only eleven people. Including, Adriana, Connor, Lilly, Kenzie, Aiden, David, Andrew, Levi, Sydney, Alana, and I.

I sit down in between Connor and Levi as Kenzie and Lilly are across from us.

"Hey Elle," Levi grins as he takes a bite of a tater tot.

"It isn't Elle, it's Elmo or Nell." Connor smirks, taking a sip of his water bottle.

"Shut up." I chuckle and hit his shoulder lightly.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket making the bench we sit on vibrate as well.

"Uh..." Levi scrunches his eyesbrows in confusion as Connor laughs.

I take out my phone and don't bother to look at the caller ID as I answer.

"Hello?" I answer, taking a tater tot from Levi's plate.

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