Chapter 21. I Dare You

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Chapter 21. I Dare You

  The dark cloth that covers my head is pulled away and I squint my eyes to the new lighting. Panic fills within me as I realize that I am strapped to a wooden chair, my hands are bound together behind my back and my feet are wrapped close together as well. I try to scream, but some type of cloth prevents that from happening.

"Hello, sweetheart. Miss me?"

I glare daggers at Griffin and his sick smirk. He stands up straighter and pride washes over his features at his new accomplishment of kidnapping me.

"Now that I have you in the palm of my hand, I can get started on avenging Shane."

I murmur out some scrambled words that nobody can understand, due to the bandana covering my mouth tightly.

"What was that?" One of Griffin's henchmen snickers.

Griffin clicks his tongue at me with an amused expression and pulls my bandana away from my mouth so I can speak. The cloth hangs loose at my neck and I seethe with fury at Griffin and his twisted ways.

"You're a coward." I spit at him with venom and he drops his smirk, replacing it with a dirty scowl.

"How do you call yourself a man, by kidnapping a girl, and playing it off like it's all apart of your plan, when really you're just too afraid to face a couple of teenage boys by yourself." I continue on, surprising myself at how confident I am being.

He grits his jaw and looks to his goons, nodding his chin to the dark shadows, which I am assuming has a door somewhere back there. They nod and the three men leave us alone, making me grow antsy and nervous. I pull my hands back, trying to loosen the ropes around them at least a little. They begin to itch and burn, making me clench my jaw in agony.

Griffin steps closer to me and rests his hand on the back of my chair, pushing me back slightly while his arm is nearly touching the side of my cheek. The scar on his face is more visible and I swallow what little saliva I have left in my mouth, feeling agitated.

"You have no idea what I have in store for you, sweetheart." He whispers and I breathe heavily, moving my face away from his as much as I can.

"Threatening a girl? I was wrong about you, Griffin. You aren't just a coward, you're a-"

He slaps me across the face before I get the chance to finish and tears threaten to spill out of my eyes. I blow some of the hair, that moved into my eyes from the force of the impact, out of the way and stay silent.

"You'll be seeing from me later, darling. I'll let Ollie deal with you for now." He winks and I grimace.

He leaves the room and I take this as my chance to observe my surrounding and try to escape these ropes the tie together. I squirm my hands around and clench my fists tightly, letting out a startling scream of frustration. I slump back down in my chair and wipe some tears away by rubbing my shoulder against my damp eyes.

I look up at the extremely bright light that hangs above me and then to the floor. Everything is dark, too dark to see any details, but not dark enough to keep me from noticing that the walls are like bricks and it is abnormally cold in here.

Am I in a basement?

Oliver or "Ollie" strolls into the room with a perky grin, making my stomach churn. He skips over to me eagerly and bends down to meet my level and pouts at my unenthusiastic stature.

"Turn that frown, upside down!" He cheers and my scowl deepens.

"Now, I have been told that you have been quite mouthy today. Let's fix that, shall we?"

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