Chapter 19. First-Aid Skills

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Chapter 19. First-Aid Skills

Many thoughts swirl around in my brain as I try and figure out the possible outcomes as to why Connor is here or how he found us. Did he follow Cole and I here and accidentally get lost on the way and then find a nice looking cabin to ask for directions, only to find out that we're actually here?

"What are you doing here?" I ask in astonishment.

"What are you doing here?" He retorts.

I'm at loss for words and I shift my eyes to Cole and he comes out from behind the door, coming into Connor's line of vision. Connor scowls and shakes his head in a disappointed way.

"How did you find us? Did you follow us?" Cole accuses.

"No, I was worried about Eleanor because I didn't see her at school and when we got evacuated, I thought-"

"The school got evacuated?" I ask. "Why?"

"Some gunman came charging in and ordered to know where.. where you were, Eleanor." He says nervously.

"What's going on?" He adds.

"What did the guy look like?" Cole asks.

"I don't know, man. He uh, had brown, shaggy, hair and this leather jacket with some type of symbol on the back and then a scar that went down from the side of his eye to his jaw. He had three other guys with him and he had some sunglasses to hide his eyes and some sort of half-mask thing." He explains slowly, remembering what he looked like.

Cole grabs my elbow and pulls me closer to him and whispers in my ear.

"It's got to be Griffin. I'll go get Ryder and Jackson, you keep your.. friend, busy. I'll be right back."

I nod and Cole leaves Connor and I while he runs up the stairs to alert his brothers about Griffin's whereabouts.

I invite Connor inside quietly and he enters reluctantly. I shut and lock the door behind me, fearing that Griffin might have new henchmen at his side to plan his revenge.

"How did you find me?" I ask.

"I tracked your phone."

"Oddly enough, that doesn't surprise me." I mumble with a small chuckle, trying to lighten the tension in the atmosphere.

Connor leans closer to me and gives me a stern look with various emotions swimming in his caramel brown orbs.

"Why are you here.. with Cole? With any of the Woods brothers, actually." He asks.

"Why do you hate them so much?"

"Not so much as them, but Cole." He murmurs and sits down on the couch.

"So why do you hate Cole?" I ask again.

"Why don't you hate Cole?"

I stay silent and he looks to the ground with a certain look that I can't understand.

"Do you remember when I got into that fight with him at school, and nearly got sent to the ER?" He asks, looking up to meet my eyes.

I nod for him to continue and he licks his lips and heaves a sigh.

"It was about you." He slumps his shoulders.

"M-Me?" I ask in confusion. "Why me?"

He stands up and wipes his somewhat clammy palms on his jeans and bites his lip, a habit that I have noticed since freshman year.

"Because I've liked you- loved even, since the fifth grade, and you only saw me as your guy-friend." He falters.

My mouth goes dry and I can't process any words to voice my feelings.

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