Chapter 20. Time For A Little Talk

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Pic Of Dylan On The Side- Played By: Grant Gustin>>>>

Chapter 20. Time For A Little Talk

  West Wood High has been canceling school days for the past two weeks, if that's legal. Since the school got attacked by Griffin twice already, the staff and members of the school council have decided that we are all safer without going to school where the attacker could come again. The police have been bringing in loaded machine guns and even some SWAT members; it's that serious, now.

Fortunately, Connor and only three other students were the only people who heard Griffin call out for me. Therefore, the police or any other teachers do not know about it. If they did, I would surely be under house arrest, and that can't happen.

Lila is in the eighth grade and since that is middle school, she has a different building then Dylan and I, who are in high school. Making her safe since Griffin hasn't and wasn't planning to, invade the middle school building across the street from the high school. So Lila is stuck at school while Dylan and I are free until next week, but at least I know my sister will be safe.

Connor has been asking and calling and texting me nonstop about what the heck is actually going on. Apparently, he didn't take Ryder's lie about the Woods boys training me for a paintball tournament.

I feel bad about not being able to tell him the truth, but if I did, it would only put him in danger. I swore him to secrecy, so he must not tell any other soul about it. However, it is a little difficult to force someone to swear not to tell people something that they themselves don't know anything about.

But I did it anyway.

Thankfully, he went with it and hasn't told a soul about my secret meetings with the Woods brothers. I need to be with them for various reasons, including protection from Griffin since he is out to get me to use for his vengeful plan for his brother, Shane.

I was informed yesterday that Griffin also has a younger brother who is a junior in college, named, Oliver. Therefore, he was probably one of the three men that came with Griffin to the school looking for me. Now that I have not just one maniac after me, but two, I need to stay close to the three guys who can protect me.

I walk into the kitchen of the safe house with a slight limp in my stroll, due to the large gash in my foot. Cole and Ryder are sitting at the kitchen bar eating various foods like a bunch of animals, but I don't question it, knowing full well that they're growing boys who need food.

"...for it to work." Jackson finishes his mumbling to his brothers.

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask, not trying to sound nosy.

The three boys snap their heads up to me simultaneously, getting me a little freaked out. Jackson looks to Cole and Cole looks to Ryder and Ryder looks to me.

"What?" I ask again, feeling misplaced.

"Nothing important." He fakes a grin and gets up from his stool to place his dish in the sink.

"Alright.." I murmur and sit down on an extra kitchen bar stool.

"How's your brother, Eleanor?" Jackson blurts out and I give him a strange look.

Cole slumps his shoulders and sighs in annoyance at his brother's question. He kicks his leg under the table and Jackson grimaces.

"That wasn't my leg, bro." He groans and clutches his lower abdomen.

Cole smirks and takes a slurp of his tall glass of milk with amusement and triumph glinting in his forested green orbs. Today, he is wearing a black jacket with a grey hoodie underneath it and some casual jeans with some Vans on his feet. The weather is pretty cold today, so I get that he would wear something like jeans instead of shorts.

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