Chapter 2. Creepy Strangers

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Pic Of Eleanor On Side>>> Played By- Selena Gomez

ew this chapter really sucks. sorry guys.

Chapter 2. Creepy Strangers

Today is the first final exam my class will be taking and we have exactly thirty-five minutes to finish. Since it's Friday today, that means the weekend is here and hopefully I will have time to head over to Kenzie's house for our annual girls night out with our other friend, Lilly. Although, my father specifically told me I needed to get my homework done first, so I am glad I won't have to deal with any school work this weekend due to the finals, however, I will need to study a lot for next week's finals.

I peer down at my paper, realizing I need to get to work since the clock is ticking, and begin scribbling down my name and try to read the first question quietly to myself until the words suddenly scramble and fall down the paper. I blink twice and rub my eyes, but yet again, they scramble and rise up off the paper.

Have I mentioned that I am dyslexic? Yeah, well I am. And it sucks.

As the minutes tick down, I begin to grow nervous. If I can't even finish the first question, I'm going to fail this class.

After a few minutes of stressful reading, I go onto the next question. I pass them all in the span of thirty-five minutes, except the last two questions when the bell decides to ring.

"Please turn in your papers, you will be able to finish next period." Mr. Calvin, my teacher, announces as we hand in our papers.

I sigh, and hand in my terribly written paper and Mr. Calvin frowns at my lack of creativity but takes it anyway. I shrug my backpack strap over my shoulder and walk out of the gloomy room to meet up with my friend, Connor.

"Hey, cupcake. Sup?" Connor asks with a toothy grin, shrugging his arm over my shoulder.

"I just failed my exam," I say glumly.

"It's alright, I'm sure you'll probably still get a good grade. I mean, you're Eleanor Brooks!" He exclaims with enthusiasm.

"Your point is?" I ask in confusion.

"My point, is that you're smart. Too smart." He winks.

"Sure, sure." I laugh, rolling my eyes.

A sudden pain in my shoulder hits me like a ton of bricks as I jolt backwards and nearly slam into Connor's chest.

"Watch it!" Connor scolds the person who nudged me.

"It's fine, Con-"

"What do we have here?" A sickly annoying voice taunts us.

I turn my head to the side and get a good look at her. The evil little princess herself; Cassandra.

"You have nothing. Well, you have everything. Since you know, you're a spoiled brat." Connor says with a polite, fake, smile.

Cassandra scowls and flips her hair, shrugging off his remark.

"You two going out? I wouldn't be surprised since you're a loser and you're a bigger loser." She says with a plastic girl smile.

"Hey is that outfit new? Where'd you get it? From your moms closet?" Connor snickers at his own stupid joke which is possibly the dumbest thing I've heard.

She rolls her eyes, making her long eyelashes more noticeable.

"Funny, coming from someone who gets his clothes from the dumpster." She says with venom.


"Get to class, everyone!" A teacher scolds everyone in the halls, including us.

Cassandra smirks at us, flips her hair over her shoulder again, and leaves to her next class.

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