Chapter 24. Rooftop Showdown

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ps// pic of Dylan [grant gustin] of what he looked like after the fight- on the side>>>

Chapter 24. Rooftop Showdown

  While Cole and I run behind Ryder, Jackson and Dylan, a few thoughts occur to me. First off, how in the world did I get myself into this? Secondly, my brother never got the chance to finish his explanation on how he knew about all of this and how he learned to fight. Lastly, why are Cole and I still holding hands? I mean, we are trying to run from two psychopaths who want to kill us, and by holding hands, it slows us both down.

But admittedly, I actually feel safe.

"Come on, the car is right over there." Jackson whispers to us all as we trail behind him and Ryder.

We all sprint over to the yellow Camaro and climb inside while Cole lets go of my hand so I am able go get into the vehicle. Jackson plops himself into the drivers seat and Ryder sits in the passengers side. Dylan, Cole and I all sit in the back, which is painfully cramped. Since the seats can barely fit two people, I practically have to sit on Cole's lap. I notice Dylan's suspicious eyes on me, and I avert my gaze from his as Jackson slams his foot down of the gas pedal and we lurch forward, probably leaving tires marks on the road.

Gun shots fire behind us loudly and all of us duck our heads down to keep ourselves protected.

The car suddenly comes to a complete stop and the tires screech, making me wince. Jackson curses and I nearly go flying into the back of Jackson's seat, until Cole wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me back to his chest to keep me in place.

"You're the worst driver ever, Jackson!" Cole hisses.

"Someone blew out our tires!" Jackson defends himself and pulls out his gun while stepping out of the car.

A few seconds later, Jackson swings open the door and shouts at us to run. We all jump out of the car and sprint behind Jackson while he shoots at what looks to be Griffin and Oliver behind us. I suddenly trip over a rock and fall to my knees, letting out my first cuss word this year.

"Fudge-nuts!" I curse.

Dylan snorts and grabs my forearms and hauls me off of the ground.

"You're such a nun,"

"Shut up!" I shout at him and we run off to catch up with the rest of the gang.

The five of us sprint like there is no tomorrow, which in this case could be true, and run back into the building. I mentally slap Jackson for his idiocy of leading us back into the building where we were originally running away from.

More gun shots go off and Dylan pushes me to the side so I am out of the gun range. By pushing me, I end up falling into Ryder's broad shoulder. He catches me and warns me to be careful over the missing steps on the stairs we are running up.

I nod and step away from him, giving us both some space.

"You can run, but you can't hide!" Griffin shouts, his voice echoing through the entire building as he lets out a small snicker.

"Don't be so cliche! If you're going to kill us, at least be original!" Dylan shouts back.

Jackson smacks Dylan's arm, telling him to keep quiet. We all huddle into a spare room and Cole shuts it quietly behind us and pulls the old-fashioned lock into its slot. The five of us pant for air and slowly sit on the cold flooring with Dylan and Cole on either side of me. Ryder and Jackson sit in front of us with their weapons in hand.

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