Chapter 18. Learning from the Best

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Chapter 18. Learning from the Best

Cole pulls the mustang into the dirt driveway and puts it in park. He shuts the engine off and it rumbles down, becoming silent. He unbuckles himself and turns in his seat so he is completely facing me and I give him a strange look in which he runs a hand through his hair.

"Are you okay?" He asks sincerely.

I swallow the small lump in my throat and give him a nod in reply.

"Well, let's go inside then." He says after a minute of awkward silence.

I unlock my door and get out of the slick sports car. We both walk inside the mahogany red safe house ( cabin ) and shut the white doors.

I throw my bag on an empty kitchen bar stool and scratch the back of my neck, feeling slightly awkward. I glance to Cole and he shoves his hands in his pockets.

"Is Jackson good, now?" I ask.

"Yeah, Ryder messaged me and said he got him and he's awake and feeling okay. He apparently wants to seriously kill Griffin now for knocking him out in front of a girl." He jokes with a small laugh.

"Cole, can I ask you something?" I start to say, surprisingly boldly.


"How come you didn't kill Griffin when you had the chance?"

Cole looks surprised and then he shifts his gaze to the floor, licking his lower lip while silence meets us. He moves his eyes to meet mine again and gives me a shrug.

"I was going to, but Ryder has been against killing people since-" He stops himself and clears his throat. "I didn't kill him because I know my brother can't handle death very well."

I nod, deciding to drop the subject.

"Cole?" I ask again.


"Can you teach me to shoot a gun?" I ask and instantly, a smirk appears on his face.


We walk out of the safe house and distance ourselves away from the cabin until we are at a moderate shooting range. Cole cocks his own gun with ease and aims quickly, pulling the trigger and shooting a nearby tree which is around fifty feet away from us and bark flies off of the trunk.

He turns to me with a smug grin and I roll my eyes at his cockiness.

"It's easy really," He says and hands me his gun. "Cock the hammer back."

"The what now?" I ask, confused.

He sighs and stands behind me, putting his hands over mine and lifting the gun up with my hands holding it as well. He pulls the "hammer" back and cocks the gun, apparently getting it ready to fire. His chest is against my back and my face heats up and my heart races. His chin rests on my shoulder and all is quiet in the woods besides our mixed breaths.

"Find your target," He whispers, his minty breath hitting my ear and his lavender cologne engulfing me.

"And shoot."

Cole puts his two fingers over mine, which are over the trigger, and he fires. The force from the gun nearly makes me step back, but Cole is behind me and I almost step on his foot. The bullet flies from the barrel and hits the tree in front of us perfectly and I beam happily.

I shift my eyes to the right where Cole is leaning on my shoulder and towering over me and I see him grin in triumph. He must have felt my gaze, because he turns his head and looks into my eyes with his forest green ones that have a stormy side to them.

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