Chapter 3. Game Night

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Pic Of Ryder On The Side: Played By- Tyler Posey>>>>

Chapter 3. Game Night

Ryder's house is close to a mansion, and according to him, it has four floors, five if you include the attic. It is white with some gorgeous looking bricks built in. The inside has marble flooring, granite kitchen tops, flat screen TV's, kitchen bars, leather couches, ect.

"This is an amazing house.." I breathe out, feeling speechless.

"I guess," He chuckles, shutting the front door behind us. "Our mom is a real estate worker and our... dad works as the chief of the police office downtown."

"That's awesome," I grin as I look around at their amazing home, ignoring the fact that he slowly uttered out the word Dad.

As he gives me a quick tour, my phone suddenly rings and I give him an apologetic smile and slide the green arrow on my phone screen to the side, answering the caller.


"Hey Elle, can you check to see how much milk we have left in the refrigerator? I am at the store and I am thinking we're out of milk." My dad says on the other line.

"Oh, sorry, I can't look right now, I am at a friend's house." I explain, hoping he will be understanding and won't get too furious about the fact that I didn't inform him I would be leaving tonight.

"Are you with that Conrad boy?" He inquires and I scrunch my eyebrows.

"Connor, Dad." I correct him.

"Right, so are you with him?" He asks.


"Then you must be at Kendall's place, yeah?" He questions and I scoff in disbelief.

"Kenzie; her name is Kenzie, but no I am not with her either, I am with... Ryder." I slowly state and silence comes from the other end of the call.

"Oh, uh... yes, that Ryder boy, that you have mentioned before that I have heard before." My father says and I frown.

"He's a new friend, Dad, you've never met him." I say bluntly and he clears his throat.

"Well, then... have a good time, I suppose." He says.

"Wait, I have to tell you something that happened at the house." I quickly say.

"Can it wait? I'm checking out right now. We'll talk later, bye honey." And with that, he hangs up.

I hang up, feeling my blood boil beneath my skin. I turn around to face Ryder and he raises a questioning eyebrow and I stand a little straighter, making up my mind.

"On second thought, is it alright if I stay here for the night?" I ask.

"Sure thing, follow me."

We both walk up the spiraled white staircase and go upstairs to the second floor. The long hallways consists of five doors, yes, I counted. The wood flooring is a beautiful mahogany and the hallway walls are a beige color.

"This is the guest room, where you can stay for the night." He says, opening the second door.

"Wow, thank you for your hospitality." I smile and sit on the bed while Ryder nods and leaves the room for a moment until reappearing a minute later.

"Here, it's some joggers and a T-shirt of mine. They're the smallest size I could find in my closet." He says, handing me the comfortable clothing.

"Oh, thank you." I say.

He nods and respectfully leaves the room, shutting the door. I take this time to get a good look at the guest bedroom. I look over the books in the bookshelf by the bathroom door and see great stories, some that are my all time favorite.

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