3. TOW The Flower

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Harry woke up to an extremely loud and strange music. "What the hell?" he rubbed his eyes and sat up, still confused about the music. For a moment he thought there was a party in the villa, but then he looked at his phone and the time read 7:25 AM, so no, there was no party.

He slowly stood up and picked up the sweatpants he was wearing the night before on the chair beside his window to wear it, then opened to door and went into the hall. Maybe his blue curtains were too thick for sunlight to pass through it, because when he stepped into the hall, he was almost blinded by the bright light coming through the windows and into the hall.

Looking around the hall, he found out that the maddening music was coming from the room across from his, which he remembered was Niall's. Harry walked up to the room and knocked on the door, but the music was so loud that Niall didn't seem to hear it. So he did something he wished he didn't; he opened the door to see an almost naked Niall jumping up and down on his bed and dancing to that song. But as soon Niall saw Harry, he threw the remote control that was in his hand at him and it hit him right in the nose.

"Oh my god!" Niall jumped of his bed and ran up to Harry, "I'm so sorry, it was a reflex! Are you okay?" he grabbed Harry's face and looked at his nose closely.

"Yeah, I think. It's not broken, is it?" Harry touched his nose to see if it hurts or not.

"I don't think so. I'm so sorry. Why didn't you knock?"

"I did, but that annoying song was so loud you didn't hear it. What kind of a song is this? All I hear is 'Mr Simpson's dimples'." Niall stared at Harry like he said the stupidest thing; well he did, and burst out laughing. "What's so funny?"

"How can you hear Mr Simpson's dimple? Who sings about that shit?" Niall asked while still laughing, "The song is Korean. It's Mr simple by Super Junior."

"I thought the disk was ruined." Harry said sheepishly, "but who plays music this loud in the morning? Doesn't James get angry?"

"He's used to it because this is the only way I'll have the potential to go to work." Niall answered while searching his closet for clothes.

"Wait, I'm coming with you right?" Harry asked. He remembered Niall promising him to take him to the bakery.

"Yeah, go change quickly. We should be there by 8:30."

Harry did as Niall said and went back to his room. He took out his bags from the closet and opened them. After twenty minutes of contemplating about what to wear, he decided to wear dull yellow shirt with skinny black jeans and a thin black scarf. He quickly fixed his hair and picked up his coat and headed downstairs.

As he entered the kitchen, he saw James eating cornflakes while looking at the papers that were scattered on the table, "Good morning!"

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As he entered the kitchen, he saw James eating cornflakes while looking at the papers that were scattered on the table, "Good morning!"

"Morning, love. You're going with Niall, right?" James looked up from his papers.

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