7. TOW The French Lessons

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LOOK AT HOW CUDDLY AND CUTE ASH LOOKS IN THIS PIC!! SO PRECIOUS! They'll talk about this pic later in the chapter.

"Harry, this shop is very expensive! I'll have to sell a kidney if I wanna buy a shirt here!" Louis whined as they entered one of the shops in the mall, "Let's just go to the Adidas shop on the second floor."

"Lou, I'm the one who pays, so just shut up and choose whatever you want." Harry pushed Louis towards clothes.

This was like the fifth shop that Louis didn't like and Harry was trying so hard to understand Louis, but Louis was just refusing to buy expensive stuff even if Harry was the one who paid. Harry knew that Louis liked Adidas but the boy barely wore anything else and Harry wanted to buy him something fancy. You never know when you need fancy clothes.

"But I never wear stuff like this! Look at this." He picked up a leopard print shirt, "This costs more than what I spend in like six months and it doesn't even protect my nipples from the cold."

Harry sighed and sat down on one of the sofas in the middle of the store, "Okay we'll go to Adidas, but let Luke look around for a bit. Maybe he'll like something."

Louis also sat on the sofa next to Harry and looked at Luke who was busy looking at clothes and decided to wait for him, even though he wouldn't let him buy anything.

"What were you two talking about earlier?" Louis looked at Harry who gave him a confused look, "Before the thing? Before I turned into Hulk? Luke showed you some stuff and he looked nervous."

"Oh, please. You're too small for Hulk. Maybe Mini Hulk?" Harry teased and Louis pinched his arm, "Aw! Okay, I'm kidding. You were very intimidating and scary."

"I know, thank you. But Luke, is he in trouble? Did he fail an exam?" Louis sat up on the sofa worriedly.

Harry rolled his eyes at how worried Louis looked, "Relax, it wasn't about school. He asked me to tell him a way to ask a guy if he's gay without asking him."

"What? What does that mean?" Louis raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"That's what I asked too. He said he wants to know if a guy in his class is gay without asking him directly."

"Oh! Okay, then. I thought it was about school." Louis sighed in relief, "I'm hungry, let's get out of here." They both stood up and called Luke to go get some food.

On the way, Luke was taking pictures of Louis while walking and people where looking at them, but Louis didn't care and did some casual spins and poses like models do. Harry saw how Louis was enjoying the camera on him so he just stayed back and walked slowly behind them to not ruin the pictures.

After Luke took enough photos to choose from later, they all decided on going to McDonald's, so after they found an empty table and ordered their food they all sat down to eat.

"It's great." Louis sighed as he gave back the camera back to Luke after he finished looking at the photos, "I feel like a model again."

"Again?" Harry looked up from his phone and Louis' eyes widened when he realised what he said.

"Oh, yeah! Back in Aust— Aww!" Luke cried out in pain because Louis kicked him under the table to shut him up quietly but now Harry was looking between Luke and Louis like a lost puppy.

"Sorry, I thought it was the chair." Louis looked at Luke with a fake smile and tried to change the subject, "So Lukey, who's the guy?"

Luke looked at Louis with a confused expression, "What guy? Wait do that smile again." He picked up the camera and took some pictures of Louis while he was smiling widely.

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