13. TOW The Mystery Girl

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Fetus babies... look at how uncomfortable Liam is! It's like he knows that Louis will castrate him later on!

Harry woke up to a small knock on his bedroom door. He tried to turn on his back but there was something- no, someone behind him. He tried not to freak out and shout as loud as he could when he felt a chest rising and falling against his back.

He heard the knocking again and he opened his eyes reluctantly only to snap them shut again as the sunlight harshly attacked his eyes.

"Yeah?" he croaked out, his throat feeling like it was burnt.

He turned around and slowly opened his eyes to see Louis curled up behind him, peacefully sleeping with only jeans on. His eyebrows rose in confusion and surprise.

"Harry, you awake?" he heard James call softly from behind the door.

"Yeah, come in." Harry answered and sat up slightly still looking Louis as James opened the door.

James came in the room and smiled at Harry weirdly and said, "hey, son. Slept well?"

Harry raised his eyebrows at James' extra loving tone but said, "I wouldn't know, James, I was asleep throughout pretty much the whole thing."

"I bet you don't. I bet you don't." James hummed, still having that hyperbolic, chipper smile on his face, "Is there a reason maybe to why it's three in the afternoon and you're still in bed?"

Harry's eyes widened and he quickly reached for his phone to check the time and it was, in fact, three in the afternoon.

"Also, why have I got the rest of the bakery crew asleep on my living room floor?" James continued talking and his voice rose with every word.

"James, please, I have a headache." Harry groaned.

"Of course you do! What should I tell Jimmy? That both of my sons are irresponsible idiots who don't have respect for their jobs?" James yelled.

"I don't know, James. Why don't you ask Niall?" Harry answered while rubbing his forehead.

James stared at Harry for a minute before saying, "You owe Jimmy an apology. He's excused all of you because you're in my house. Who's gonna run the bakery if you're all here?"

"Other workers who are irrelevant to the plot?" Harry muttered and heard James huff before shutting the door behind him loudly while muttering.

Once he was fully awake, he sat up and poked Louis in the chest but he didn't budge. He poked him again, this time harder, gaining a smack from Louis. Harry gasped and smacked Louis back in the chest causing him to snap awake at the pain.

"Fucking hell," Louis groaned without opening his eyes, "That's not how you wake people up, Harry."

"You smacked me first." Harry shrugged and stretched his arms. He looked down at Louis again who was smiling giddily at him, "What's with you all and these weird smiles."

"I had a good night's sleep and I'm just full of positivity, energy and sunshine; jealous?" Louis yawned.

Harry stood up and walked to the bathroom, "Yes, actually, because I feel like there are two trucks drag racing around my brain at full speed and their exhaust smoke's running down my throat."

"This is the most exaggerated yet accurate way I've heard someone describe a hangover," Louis sat up from his bed to get a t-shirt from Harry's closet.

"Writer, remember?" Harry spoke in between washing his teeth.

Louis hummed in response and came into the bathroom, "I'm not surprised, though. You were a wreck yesterday. I had to drag you all the way upstairs."

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