4. TOW The Guitar

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Harry was left alone in front of the bakery, speechless. He was confused; he's never had a guy compliment him, or a girl for that matter. All the girls in his life wanted to be showered with compliments and never thought about whether Harry needed a reassurance about how he looked or not.

Now, France is known for being affectionate and charming and you'd expect Harry to have been used to such actions, but the place that Harry's been growing up at was very different. Everyone was very cold and aloof; they were really nice people, but they always had a feeling of superiority, that they'd lower down if they showed their love for someone or show that they liked something.

He didn't pretend that he didn't like the little compliment because he felt special as hell, but he felt like he's thought about it more than he should. So with that thought in mind, he entered the bakery and was relieved with the warm air welcoming him. He looked around for Niall and while doing that he noticed that this wasn't just a bakery. It was more like a coffee shop because there were tables and it was filled with people. There was also what looked like a small stage to the left of the tables covered in small pieces of rugs with a chair and a microphone stand on it.

After looking around the place for a bit, he found Niall talking to a girl behind the till. They were both laughing about something when Harry walked up to them.

"Finally decided to come in?" Niall joked and Harry just smiled at him, "This is Jade, she's the cashier and the waitress when Liam's not here."

"And his girlfriend." Jade corrected him and playfully slapped him.

"Yeah, that too. Where'd you get that from?" Niall pointed to the flower in Harry's hand.

Harry looked at the flower and smiled, "A guy that I bumped into in front of the shop." He looked out the window and saw the guy standing in front of a flower shop across from the bakery with a cigarette in his hand, "That one."

Niall and Jade looked at where Harry was looking at and looked back at each other with disbelief. "Already?" Jade spoke and Niall burst out laughing.

"That hedgehog is faster than I thought!"

Harry was so confused because all he did was answer their question and now both of them were laughing like idiots, "What already? You know that guy?"

"The whole block knows that guy, honey," Jade answered when she finally stopped laughing, "His name's Louis, he comes here every day at eleven for muffin and tea and when he comes, you'll understand why we're laughing."

Harry wanted to ask another question but Niall cut him off, "Okay, I better start working."

"Wait where are you going?" Harry asked quickly.

"Relax; my arse will be on that chair pretty much the whole day." Niall pointed to the chair on the stage, "You can sit on the table next to me and order something until my boss arrives, okay? He'll come in a few." Harry nodded and walked up to the table next to the stage.

Niall also started walking up to the stage only to completely freeze in his steps. His eyes widened when he saw someone sitting on his chair with his guitar in his hand.

"Oh my god!" Niall shouted, making everyone in the room look at him. He ran up to the stage and snatched his guitar from the boy's hand, "What the fuck, man?" he asked with shock and horror in his eyes.

"Babe, calm down." Jade shouted from her place.

"Yeah, do that please," The guy stood up from the chair, "I was just looking at it, I'm sorry." He said in a soft voice. Harry kind of felt bad for him because he looked really embarrassed with everyone staring at him.

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