Chapter 1

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**Annie's POV**

[A/N: All of the dates are made up. I know their tour doesn't start in September, and award shows will be on different days then they are in the story. The days are mainly to help me keep track of time in the story.]

Friday June 6, 2014


        Ugh I hate school!! I have to get up every morning at 05:40 then wait I have to wait for the bus to come at 07:00, it's too early for that crap. Reluctantly I get up and get ready, and head out to the bus stop with my sister, Abby.

"BYE" I called out to my parents.

        I get on the bus, and when I walk into school meet up with my friends. I don't talk to many people but I have my small group of friends. I muddle through the school day, and go home after a long boring day. Thank god there is only one week left of school. I thought I was just any other day, boy was I wrong!!

        Me and my sister unlock the door, and head in. My parents are police officers so they are always working, and are late most of the time. So we walk in expecting to be the only ones there. We enter through the back door that leads right into the kitchen. I do the dishes, and have a quick snack with my sister then grab my book bag to go do my homework in my room. When I stand up I get an uneasy feeling we are not alone followed by a crash in the living room followed by a collective chattering. I go to investigate, my guard is high because I expect the worst but my curiosity get the best of me. I tell my sister to stay put, and walk into the living room. What I see next doesn't frighten me but definitely catches me off guard.

"HI!!" One Direction yelled

        Wait, what?! OMG ONE DIRECTION. I am flooded by a whole wave of emotions; nervous, confused, and a little scared come to mind. The first thing I think of is OMG THIS IS SO COOL to holy crap how did they get in my house! They introduced them selves, and were very polite, I am a complete directioner, but my sister not so much. She is only a year younger than me, and at that comes walking in the room. She said "Annie who are they and why are they here?" I think the same thing and turn to the boys

"Ya why are you here and how did you get into our house?!!"

"You didn't know we were coming?" said Liam

"Obviously not, now why are you here and how did you get in here?!" I said my patience wearing thin.

"You're Annie, right?" Harry said

"Ya, now I've answered all of you questions you answer mine!!"

"Well we have heard from multiple people you are an amazing singer, and we want an undiscovered talent like you, not on YouTube just living a normal life to be our opening act for our tour, and Uncle Simion has agreed to give you a recording deal. Some of your friends, and your parents have helped us and recorded you, and sent us audio recordings of you." said Liam and then was interrupted by Louis saying


Then Niall shrieked "And you are pretty good at guitar!"

        I can't think of anything to say so I stand there dumb founded as a million things run through mind. They are probably joking and this is all a prank anyway they still only answered half of my question. I finally speak up

"You still didn't answer how you got in here."

"Your parents gave us the code to the side door so we could come in and wait for you until you came out of school. They already said you could come on tour with us but it is ultimately your choice." Zayn answered

        I know I'm a huge fan but this is insane! Come on who would honestly believe that. We only know then through threw interviews, but who knows what they do off of it. Being 5'5.5 and shorter than all of them didn't help knowing that if the worst happens I'm screwed. At that my dad walks in and see us.

"So what do you think are you up for it?" He addresses me. I'm just dumbfounded, it's so much to take in at once. I pick up my bag

"I-I have homework" I stutter and go into my room close the door. I slouch down against the door and just sit there for what feels like forever, but in reality was only ten minutes.

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