Chapter 2

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**Annie's POV**

Friday June 6, 2014

        I was just sitting against my door dumbfounded after about ten minutes I decided just sitting there wouldn't do any good. I got up and did the only thing I knew that could make me happy. I went over to my guitar,and started to play Hey There Delilah. Then I began to belt out the lyrics. During the song I use all of my energy not caring who was there. Playing and singing is the only I knew that would help me escape my mind. It calmed me, every emotion I had came flooding out into the song; confusion, hopefulness, and yes a bit a fangirling.

...Oh it's what you do to me

Oh it's what you do to me

Oh it's what you do to me

Oh it's what you do to me

What you do to me

        When I was done I just sat there. I don't know why but it always makes me feel better. I don't know why I freaked out. I guess I'm just scared. I look at my phone and it's already 6pm. That means my mom is home too.

        Now they will think I don't want to go on tour, but I do. It's just shock, and fear. I always dreamed of that exact moment, but I had no idea I would say stuff like that.

        Then I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. I put my guitar away.

"Come in!"

"What's up?" Liam said as he walked in


"We heard you, you are amazing. Louis said you sung that song better than he did for his X Factor audition!"

I looked at the ground and blushed "Thanks"

"Sorry we just kind of sprung that on you it was a bit out of the blue and overwhelming I suppose".

"It's fine just a lot to take in all at once"

"Did you do you homework?" As soon as he said that I thought of how they call him Daddy Direction.

"Yeah" I actually finished on the bus but he doesn't need to know I lied earlier.

        We just sat there in silence. At this point we were both sitting on my bed and the rest of the guys came in and so did my parents and sister. So basically everyone in the house was in my small room. The only one missing is my dog Winnie.

"So," Louis said breaking the silence "What do you think of opening for our tour?" All eyes were on me. How could I pass this up? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It might never come again. And what do I have to lose? This was a no-brain-er

"I'd love to"

"YEA!!" They all cheered I just sat there and laughed

"Okay then we leave in two weeks, what's your email so I can send you a calendar of the tour?" Liam asked


        At this point it was 7 pm so they all left and went back to their hotel to get some sleep. Since it was summer I took out my suit case and started packing my warmer, winter clothes. I was going to need to buy about two more suitcases. I'll get them tomorrow since it'll be Saturday. After I packed all my warm winter clothes which just barely fit in the case I went in the kitchen ate a bowl of cereal, then I took a shower. When I was done I put on pajamas.

        It was 9pm so I was just going to curl up in my bed and watch Netflix when my parents called me into the living room. When I went out there my parents talked to me about rules I still have to follow while on tour and just because I'll be half way across the world at times doesn't mean there will be no rules.

        When they were done I asked if I could see if my friends could come to the mall with me tomorrow so I could get some stuff I would need. They said yes and they could drive us all. There was Jenna, Miriam, Theresa, Caitlyn, and I. It was going to be interesting granted Jenna and Caitlyn don't get along. I called them and set it up that we would get them at noon. And I don't care if they don't get along I have big news I want to tell them so get over it. Reluctantly they all agreed. I didn't want to tell them over the phone because I wanted to see their faces.

        When I hung up I looked at the calendar Liam sent me. I would be with them for a full year because the tour was 9 months, and I would live with them in London for the next 3 so I could record some music. It's now 10:30 so I decided to get some sleep.

Saturday June 7, 2014

        I woke up and started getting ready to go to the mall. My parents gave me $200 dollars for what I'll need. When we pick everyone up, the car ride was silent until Jenna spoke up.

"Well what did you need to tell us?"

"I'll tell you inside" I replied

        We arrived at the mall and went into the food court. We got pretzels and sat down. It's now or never I guess. When everyone is settled at the table all eyes are on me. Jenna on my right, Miriam on my left, Caitlyn next to Miriam, and Theresa beside Jenna.

"Okay guys don't freak out, but I'mgoingontourwithOneDirectionforthenextyear."

"What? Annie, slow down. We can't understand you" Caitlyn hissed

"I'm going to open for One Direction on tour" There I finally said it.


Oh cliffhanger! What will there reaction be?!?

Touring with One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now