Chapter 11

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**Annie's POV**

Friday July 11, 2014

        I woke to the all too familiar sound of my alarm. I reach over and shut it off. I roll over and groan. I really hate mornings. After ten minutes of lying there I finally get up. It's only 8:15am and I have to pack quickly so I have time to get ready. Luckily I didn't unpack much when I got here because I knew I would have to leave on tour quickly after I got here. I only unpacked my summer clothes, and toiletries. I keep out everything I will need for tomorrow which isn't much, and I just keep out 2 sets of clothes for today and tomorrow, and my makeup and contacts.

        Everything that I can is packed away by 10:30. I head into the kitchen and eat some Lucky Charms. After I finish I do the dishes, which is a lot because I was lazy last night and I didn't want to clean up after lunch. Then I throw on my clothes and makeup to make myself presentable to meet the guys families. This is so important that I make a good impression. I quickly straighten my hair. All of this is done by 11:55am. I grab my phone and keys, and head to Louis' across the hall. We had all decided to meet there.

        I walk right into Louis' apartment because he never locks it. As I walk in all of the guys are already there.

"My family will be here in two minutes." Louis says

"Awesome!" I respond as I sit down on the couch.

        I sit between Liam and Zayn as we all watch Tom and Jerry on TV. We all sit there laughimg hysterically as Jerry hits Tom in the head with a frying pan. At that moment Louis' phone goes off. He leaves the room and answers the phone in his kitchen.

        He walks back in the room after only about 30 seconds and announces "My family is here! They said they are in the elevator coming up."

        Suddenly I get really nervous. What if they don't like me? I hope I don't do or say anything stupid. Wait where are they staying? I wonder if some of the girls would stay in my flat tonight since they are staying to see us all off in the morning?

        I'm jerked out of my thoughts by a knock at Louis' door. As Louis opens his door he is attacked by hugs by his family. I wonder how my family is? I haven't seen them in a month now. I shouldn't think about that now. I wipe my thoughts of them and return my focus to Louis' family.

        The other guys and I get up to greet them. Niall, Harry, Liam, and Zayn give all of them hugs and say 'hi' having met them before, I just hang back.

"Annie, this is my Mum and Dad, and my sisters Fizzy, Lottie, Phoebe, Daisy, Doris, and my brother Ernest." Louis says as I'm pulled into multiple hugs from his family members.

"It's so great to finally meet you!" His Mom says

"Nice to meet you to!" I tell her

"My family will be here in 15 minutes, Zayn's will be here in 10, Harry's will be here in half an hour, and Niall's will be here in an hour and a half." Liam tells everyone.

        All 14 of us head into the living room. Fizzy, Lottie, Dasiy, Doris, and I sit on the floor while everyone else sits on the couches and chairs. I really don't know where everyone else will sit when they get here.

"We are going to wait for the others than we can go to Nandos, how does that sound?" Liam says

A chorus of people saying "Good!" rang though-out the room.

        Louis and his parents, who are holding the twins, start talking and catch up on whats happening in eachother's lives. The boys talk between themselves, and Louis' sisters talk about some TV show they watch. I kind of feel left out not really having anyone to talk to. I return my attention to the TV and continue watching Tom and Jerry.

        Within the next 18 minutes Liam's and Zayn's families arrive. It gets really cramped in the apartment having 23 people in there. The parents and Liam and Zayn's older sisters are all talking in the kitchen, the boys were watching some soccer game on TV, and all of the guys siblings are sitting on the floor talking.

        I go on my phone and look at my calendar for next week, it's insane! I'll constantly be on planes and rarely get a break. There and going to be a lot of interviews, signings and performances.I continue to go through my calendar and look through my emails until Zayn speaks up.

"Hey girls," he says gaining all of our attention " why don't you all head over to Annie's apartment and hang out there because it's getting crowded here."

"Alright" I reply. At least I'll have something to do if they talk to me or not. I might be able to get some more schoolwork done. I've been working on it a lot and I have already finished half of the ninth grade! I hope to finish before the big tour starts.

        We all get up and walk over to my apartment down the hall. It's quiet away from the apartment, it's nice. All the girls are following behind me as I fish the key out of my pocket and open the door.

        We all walked into my apartment and before I could even shut the door Lottie said "Lets play truth or dare!" everyone agreed to this. I go along because everyone wants to play but honestly I hate truth or dare. We all sit on the living room floor in a circle. I already know I'm just going to pick truth the entire time because I hate embarrassing myself. I pretty good at doing that on my own without help from others!

        We grab a bottle and starting from Lottie she will spin the bottle then she has to give that person a truth or dare to do. I sit on Lottie's left so I go last to spin the bottle. I really suck at making those up so I hope everyone else's turn takes really long.

        First Lottie spins the bottle and it hits Waliyha. It was really close and it almost landed on me. We go through and laugh hysterically at all of the stupid dares. Then it's Waliyha's turn, we only have 5 minutes until we have to go so I'll probably get out of spinning it myself. I've been lucky enough not to get called on yet.

        Anticipation builds up again as the spinner goes around. Lucky me, the spinner stopped dead at me so I couldn't even shift a little and say it hit Lottie. Darn it.

"Woohoo last victim!" Waliyha says "Truth or dare?"

        I can feel everyone's eyes staring at me. So far everyone has picked dare, and they expect me to keep it going. Well YOLO I guess.

"Dare." Everyone cheers

"Ok I dare you to...... let us hear one of your unreleased songs!" She says

Easy enough "Okay! But you can't tell anyone anything about it, okay?" I tell everyone

        Everyone agrees. I run over to my room and bring out my laptop. I set it on the ground so everyone can see. I pull up the recording of Never Be You. "This is the song that gets released Sunday, the boys haven't even heard it yet." I tell them.

By the end of the song the just sit there with their mouths open. "That was awesome!!"Fizzy says

        At that we all stand up and go meet everyone in the lobby like we planned. When we get there everyone else is already there. I'm glad we got a chance to hang out at my place because now all of us are talking, and it really helped me bond with them.

        We all pack into several cars and take the short trip to the nearby Nandos. We all meet up there in all there are 29 of us so at the restaurant we push several tables together in the back.

        Throughout dinner we all have a great time and we pull a few dumb jokes, mainly Harry with his stupid knock knock jokes that are so bad they're funny. Most of the conversations I was in was somebodies family interrogating me about basically everything about me.

        At around 6pm we all left the restaurant and the guys families went to their hotels. We decided to meet up at a bagel shop for breakfast at 8am then get the the airport by 8:45am for our flight to Scotland! It will only be a quick 45 minute flight because if we were to drive we'd probably end up leaving tonight instead.

        For the rest of the night I just clean up a little then work on school work. I'm nearly done with the school year, and I plan to work on it in the plane.

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