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Derek's POV

"Hey Stiles." I smiled as my boyfriend walked into the loft.
"Hey Der." He replied, quickly kissing me. He sighed.
"What's up?"
"My brothers want to meet you." He sighed.
"They're Winchesters, Der. It's very likely they'll shoot you." I laughed a little. "This is not funny. It's a very serious matter."
"Go home and bring them here."
"Yes now." He started whining under his breath. "Go Stiles."
"Fine." He quickly kissed me again before running back out of the loft.

I sat at the kitchen table, waiting for my boyfriend to come back. I growled when I heard the lift rising and my growl got louder when the loft door opened, revealing my psycho of an uncle.
"What do you want?" I spat.
"Am I not allowed to see my favourite nephew?"
"No. What do you want?"
"So I hear you've finally got a boyfriend. Is that  right?"
"He's a Winchester, Peter, so you really don't want to try anything."
"Oh really? Which one?" The loft door opened again revealing Dean, Sam and Stiles.
"Does it matter?" Sam asked. "None of us like you."
"Besides, there's only one of us stupid enough to date a werewolf." Dean added and Stiles' jaw dropped. I had to stifle my laughter.
"Rude." Stiles cried.

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