Falling In Love With A Mythical Brute

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The Winchesters were out hunting on the full moon, expecting to find a few werewolves. What they didn't expect, though, was that Stiles would go missing.

Stiles was walking with his two brothers, his gun pointed ahead of him. He looked around and stopped when something shiny caught his eye. He looked ahead at his brothers that were already ahead by quite a bit. Silently, he made his way off the path to find the source of the light. He instantly regretted leaving the safety of Sam and Dean.

He tried to scream and tried to run, but a hand was clamped around his mouth and an arm was clamped around his waist, trapping his body against another one. He bit down on the hand, making it pull away with a hiss from behind him.
"Shut up." A deep voice growled.
"Why?" Stiles hissed.
"Look." The man pointed at a creature crawling past them. It was scaled with a mouth full of sharp teeth, dripping with blood. A kanima.

When it was gone and the other person decided it was safe, Stiles was released. Stiles turned around, preparing to scold his captor, but just gaped at him. The man was gorgeous.

But then it hit him.

"I know you!" Stiles stated.
"You do?"
"You're Derek Hale!" Derek was the most wanted werewolf in Beacon Hills and the Winchesters had been offered over £50000 to kill him.
"How do you know that?"
"Because you're worth half a million."
"Oh God. Don't tell me you're a hunter."
"I am, but who'd want to kill someone as hot as you." Stiles' eyes widened and he slapped his hand over his mouth. "Shit." Derek just laughed.  "Well, I'm going to say thank you for saving my life and I'm going to catch up with my brothers. So, thank you and bye." Stiles turned to run off, but Derek caught his arm and spun him around so they were facing each other.
"You dropped this." Derek handed Stiles his gun. "And I don't think a thank you is enough." A mischievous smirk was playing on his lips.
"No?" Stiles had his eyebrows furrowed in thought as he thought of a different way to thank him.
"Definitely not."
"Okay, well..." Stiles' eyes widened as he thought of something. "Howsabout I take you out to dinner?"
"Much better." Derek was still smirking, but it was more victorious than mischievous.
"Tomorrow night? Wait! Dean and Sam are out for two days. Starting tomorrow. Come round to my house and we can have take out?"
"Even better."

Stiles was rushing around, making sure the house was tidy. He was in a plain, white shirt and black jeans.

Three knocks on the door almost made Stiles have a panic attack. He took a few deep breaths and opened the door. Derek was in a black shirt and black jeans.
"Heyyy..." Stiles opened the door all the way and ushered Derek inside.
"Hi." Derek smiled.

The evening was successful and Derek left after midnight.

They continued with little meetings, keeping their relationship secret, even when they made it official a month later. Dean and Sam couldn't find out; they'd kill both of them.

"Stiles?" Sam called when he got home after a week in New York with Dean.
"Sam!" Stiles called excitedly, running up to his brother.
"Are the rumours true?" Sam asked.
"What the fuck is Derek Hale doing in my house?!" Dean screamed as he stormed in through the front door.
"What?" Stiles didn't get what was going on.
"A friend was keeping an eye on the house and saw Derek Hale coming in and leaving multiple times." Sam replied, his voice steady.
"What's so bad about that?" Dean and Sam's eyes widened at Stiles' words. He then understood what the whole issue was. They were talking about Derek Hale, for God's sake.
"Why haven't you killed him? You shouldn't be around supernaturals! He's a dangerous monster that could kill you!" Dean yelled.
"And? So could Cas, but you haven't killed him!" Stiles was getting angry at how much of a hypocrite Dean was being.
"No. That's different." Dean scoffed.
"How? Yes, he's nice, but he could easily kill you if he wanted to! Derek is the exact same!"
"I don't want you to talk to him any more." Dean stated, walking out of the room.
"You can't just leave when I prove you wrong!"
"You're not talking to him any more." Dean repeated.
"You can't stop me from talking to my boyfriend!" Stiles screamed, fed up with Dean's immature attitude. Dean froze and Sam turned to him with his jaw dropped.
"Your what?" Sam whispered.
"My boyfriend and you can't stop me from talking to him. Especially not when you have a supernatural boyfriend." Stiles growled in Dean's direction.
"You did always take after me..." Dean sighed. "Of course you'd fall in love with some mythical brute."

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