Learn From My Mistakes

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"Where are you going?" Dean asked as I pulled on my favourite red hoodie.
"Where?" He huffed.
"Oh. Derek's."
"Derek Hale?"
"Did I not tell you?"
"What?" Shit, I thought. This is not going to end well.
"I thought you were there when I told Sam." I sighed. "Derek's my boyfriend." I'd barely finished before his jaw dropped.
"We don't date supernatural people." He stated. "We've all done it and we've learned from it."
"You're literally dating an angel. I think that classes as supernatural." My brother is such a hypocrite.
"That's different." I scoffed as those words left his mouth.
"It's really not that different."
"Angels aren't nearly as dangerous as werewolves. Trust me." I scoffed again. Unbelievable.
"Your boyfriend has kicked your ass more times than you can count." I state and I watch as Dean's face proves he's thinking it through. Eventually, he nods.
"Okay, just... Be careful." He sighs.
"I will." I smiled.
"He'll run off." He states and my smile is gone quicker than a blink of an eye.
"He won't and, if he does, you mustn't forget; I'm a Winchester." Dean laughed as I left. "See you tomorrow!" I called as the door closed behind me.
"What?!" His scream was muffled as I ran to my Jeep, quickly driving off.

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